- palmar abduction 掌外展
- The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom. 强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。
- The local strip of palmar aponeurosis was excised. 均手术切除局部的掌腱膜条索。
- He had attempted to abduct the two children. 他曾企图诱拐这两名儿童。
- Old man path: Mine also is palmar car. 老汉道:我的也是手掌车。
- Aliens have pulled off an abduction! 外星人绑架地球人!
- It forbids the abduction and kidnapping of women. 禁止拐卖、绑架妇女;
- Three of his aides were killed in the abduction. 在绑架中他的三个助手被杀.
- Could this really be alien abduction? 这真的是外星人绑架吗?
- I can say you abduct a high school student. 我可以告你诱拐中学生。
- Who would want to abduct the body of a dead man? |谁会劫持一个死人的尸体呢?
- "In the hall, right abduct the 3rd room. “在大厅里,向右拐第三间房。”
- The prince of Troy whose abduction of Helen provoked the Trojan War. 帕里司特洛伊王子,因诱走海伦而引发了特洛伊战争
- Is palmar desquamate how to return a responsibility? 手掌脱皮是怎么回事?
- SKINNER: Where? Where's the UFO activity after Mulder's abduction? 斯金纳:那里?飞碟在绑架了莫特后去了哪里?
- The prince of Troy whose abduction of Helen provoked the TrojanWar. 帕里司特洛伊王子,因诱走海伦而引发了特洛伊战争词性变化。
- The act of seizing and carrying off by force; abduction. 劫掠,破坏夺取或用武力强抢的行为;诱拐,绑架
- Detectives are questioning a woman about the child's abduction. 侦探们正在盘问一个妇女关于孩子被拐骗的事。
- Does palmar desquamate use summer what method or it is better to medication? 夏天手掌脱皮用什么方法或药物治疗比较好?
- Boss Skua: I got two words for you. "Alien abduction". 我给你5个字:外星人劫持。