- A pale to light purple to very light or very pale violet. 淡紫色一种从浅白到亮紫再到非常亮或白的紫罗兰色
- Description: Pale violet powder, hydroscopic, insoluble in water. 说明:淡紫色固体粉末,易受潮,不溶于水。
- Outer perianth segments pale violet; inner segments yellow. 外部花被片浅紫色;内部裂片黄。
- Pale violet on the other hand is a form of erasure that allows pain, programming and machinery to be transmuted. 另一方面,浅紫色是擦除的方式,容许痛苦、程式和机械被改变。
- Description: Pale violet powder, hydroscopic, insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids. 说明:淡紫色固体粉末,易受潮,不溶于水,能溶于无机酸。
- Pale violet or ultra violet as it shines through the sun is the tone of erasure. 浅紫色和极端的紫,当它由太阳照耀出时,是“擦除”音调。
- Package:Pale violet powder, hydroscopic, insoluble in water and soluble in mineral acids. 包装:产品内包装用双层薄膜袋密封,装入塑料桶中,每桶净重25公斤。
- It takes mysterious and romantic fuchsine, gradual changing violet red, in all;it pleased both eye and mind. 标志采用神秘、浪漫的品红+淡淡的紫红渐变趋向,使标志达到了享心悦目的境地。
- The fish had turned silver from his original purple and silver, and the stripes showed the same pale violet color as his tail. 鱼已经从原来的紫银两色变成了纯银色,条纹和尾巴显出同样的淡紫色。
- The conclusion is in concordance with the presence of brownish red, violet red and violet-grey clastic rock, specially the red sedimentary layer. 其结论与石千峰组的棕红、紫红和紫灰色陆源碎屑岩沉积特别与红色沉积层为特征是相一致的。
- Flowers pale violet or purple-violet, 3-5 cm.Lateral sepals 2, ovate-falcate, ca. 7 mm, 5-veined, inequilateral, apex acuminate. 花浅的紫色的或紫色紫罗兰色,3-5厘米侧生萼片2,卵形镰刀形,约7毫米,5脉,不等侧,先端渐尖。
- Tasting Note : It's violet red colour with ripe black fruits,and some vegetal smell. Structure is strong and full with elegance. 品酒词:酒体呈紫红色,果香浓郁,有成熟黑色浆果的香气,带着些植物气味。结构感强,酒体丰满优雅。
- Pale pinkish blue outer petals, light yellow and pale violet bicolor inside, erect flowers, round leaves in dark green, stout upright stems, sparsely branched. 外层花瓣浅粉兰色,内部有粉黄,浅紫混合色花瓣,荷花型。花朵直上,株型直立,挺拔。分枝少。叶片圆。深绿色。
- The indicator turns from bright green to violet red as soon as the solution is basic and then the collecting ammonia is titrated with standard chlorhydric acid. 实验证明 ,用该法测定氨的含量 ,既可以节约药品又使反应时间缩短了一半 ,同时蒸氨装置简单易于操作。
- Pale Pinkish blue outer petals, light yellow and pale violet bicolor in - side, erect flowers, round leaves in dark green, stout upright stems, sparsely branched. 荷花型。外层花瓣浅粉蓝色,内部有粉黄、浅紫混合色花瓣,蔷薇型。花朵直上,株形直立挺拔,分枝少。叶片圆。深绿色。
- Sent in the autumn of cool season, when the rich purple date period, you see, the town of weeks Guanzong枣林Village Medium violet red dates hanging like pearls such as, how it coveted. 在金秋送爽的时节,正值紫枣盛产时期,你瞧,广宗镇周庄村枣林中鲜红的紫枣如珍珠一样悬挂着,多么让人垂涎欲滴。
- Limestone layer is strongly cracked and varies complicatedly (part in lemon yellow color), limestone is solid (violet red color), distributing through the lines in form of partial blocks. -石灰岩层裂缝状况严重,且具体裂缝情况复杂多变化(部分呈柠檬黄),石灰岩为固态(呈紫红色),在各处以局部块体状形式分布。
- Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum. 红色和紫色位于光谱相对的两端。
- violet of eastern North America having pale violet to white flowers 北美东部紫罗兰,花从淡紫色到白色
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。