- Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark. 阿拉斯加的一种桦树,白色至浅棕色树皮。
- Stem 8-12 cm tall, pale brown crisped glandular villous. 茎8-12厘米高,淡褐色皱波状的具腺的具长柔毛。
- His pale brown uniform suggested a workingman, and a workingman he was. 从他身上穿的那套褪了色的棕色制服看,他是一个工人,他也确实是一个工人。
- Winter buds ovate, 2-3 mm in diam., pale brown pubescent when young. 卵形的冬芽,2-3毫米直径,幼时具淡褐色短柔毛。
- The female does not have tail coverts and is pale brown on the back. 雌鸟无尾屏,背部为灰褐色。
- Nutlets pale brown ovoid, shorter than calyx tube, reticulate, glabrescent. 小坚果淡褐色卵形体,短于萼筒,网状,后脱落。
- North American fern whose more or less evergreen leathery fronds are covered with pale brown chafflike scales. 带有浅褐色谷壳状鳞片坚韧复叶的北美蕨类。
- European birch with dull white to pale brown bark and somewhat drooping hairy branches. 欧洲的一种桦树,树皮白色至浅灰色,枝有柔毛,下垂。
- Stems with persistent, pale brown, hardened, withered leaves at base. Pedicel densely glandular villous. 茎具宿存的,淡褐色,使变硬,叶在基部枯萎。花梗密被腺具长柔毛。
- Spathe 1-valved, pale brown, 9--12 mm, membranous, longitudinally striate when dry, persistent. 佛焰苞1瓣裂,淡褐色,9-12毫米,膜质,纵向干燥时具条纹,宿存。
- Note the pale brown appearance of the parenchyma, along with some central collagenous scar. 实质呈浅褐色外观,中央有一些胶原块。
- Branchlets green, pale brown when dry, 2-5 mm thick, without ringlike stipular scars, glabrous. 小枝绿色的,干燥时的淡褐色,2-5毫米厚,没有环形的托叶的痕,无毛。
- Branches pale brownish red, subterete, lenticellate. 分枝浅棕红色,近圆柱状,具皮孔。
- No one but a pre-Raphaelite would have painted, hair by hair, those feathery masses of ringlets with every glimmer of gold, and every shadow of pale brown. 只有一个拉斐尔前派,才会把头发一根根的画出来,把大量的羽毛似的鬈发及其星星点点的金光闪烁和淡棕色暗影描绘出来。
- As the Blackhawk made a tight circle, I looked out over a pale brown ocean of sand disturbed only by a misshapen doughnut of military tents, vehicles, and trailers. 当黑鹰在空中打圈时,我向外望下那黯淡的棕色沙海,只有一个由军事帐篷、机车和拖车组成的残破圆圈。
- A pale brown. 浅褐色
- The results showed that the common characteristic are colony round or irregular,pink,gray,dark gray,pale brown and black,downy. Diameter of the colony 1.0~3.0 mm,account for 1/3 to 1/2 of the height. 结果表明;不同培养条件下的共同培养特征为:菌落球形和不规则形;粉色、灰色、灰黑色、浅棕色和黑色;菌落外被茸毛状菌丝;大小为1.;0~3
- Foliage dull green with bronze or purple-brown surface markings becoming irregular pale brown necrotic patches; leaf margins wavy and interveinal regions sometimes puckered or corrugated. 叶片暗绿;表面青铜色或紫褐色斑纹转变成不规则浅褐色斑纹;叶缘波浪形;脉间有时收缩或呈波纹状.
- The body color for pale brown approaches the gray central, the back has the large-scale dun streak to juxtapose in on, because also around interlocks mutually presents the zigzag appearance. 体色为淡褐而近乎灰色,背部中央则有大型的暗褐色斑纹并列于上,且因前后相互交错而呈现出锯齿状模样。
- Older leaves show small pale brown lesions across a few veins, elongating and fusing with collapse across width of leaf.Lesions have darker brown or purple-brown outer “halo” regions. 燕麦叶片缺锰的灰色斑点:老叶叶脉出现浅褐色小斑点,并向叶片周围扩散,斑点外围出现一圈圈深褐色或紫褐色圆圈。