- Do you pay your bills by standing order? 你是按定期转帐的办法付款吗?
- It's wrong to travel by bus without pay your fare. 乘公共汽车不买票是不对的。
- If you don't pay your gas bill soon you may be cut off. 你若不立即付清煤气费,就要停止向你供气。
- If you don't pay your rent you'll be evicted. "你如果不付房租,就会被赶出去。"
- Failure to pay your taxes will make you liable to prosecution. 不缴纳税款就可能被起诉。
- paid your shotv. 付清费用(付帐)
- Do you pay your landlord a fixed charge for heating? 你是不是付给你的房东固定的取暖费?
- Pay your tax honestly or you may be thrown into the cooler. 老实交税,不然的话,就有可能被关进监牢。
- The court may have to levy on your estate to pay your debts. 法庭可能不得不扣押你的房地产,用来偿付你的债务。
- pay your shotvt. 付清费用(付帐)
- If you pay your rent,you can't be dispossessed. 如果你付房租,你不会被撵走的。
- Please pay your bills at the checkout counter. 请到收银台付款。
- If yo go up and get your shot blocked, does it count as a shot attempt? 还有,如果你投篮时被盖帽,这次出手也会被记入技术统计之中吗?
- It doesn't seem to matter when you release your shot--it's probably going in. 你什么时候放开按键投篮都没关系,因为一般他都会进。
- If you don't pay your bills they'll disconnect your electricity/gas. 若不付费用,他们就会停止供应电力/煤气。
- When do you usually pay your dues to the union? 你们通常什么时候交工会费?
- I see.How would you like to pay your bill? 明白了 ,您怎么结账?
- Has anyone ever paid your gambling debts for you? 是否有人给你下的赌注买单?
- You are paid your portion not later than a week. 不会晚于一周你就可以得到你那一部分报酬。
- I believe your shooting might be scaring them off. 我想你的枪声可能吓倒他们了。