- The number of packets per second received from unknown addresses. 每秒从未知地址接收的数据包的数目。
- The number of packets per second of unknown type which were received. 每秒接收的未知类型的数据包的数目。
- Number of ATP transaction release packets per second received on this port. 在这个端口上每秒钟发送的ATP事务发行数目。
- A sustained burst from a Fast Ethernet link, for example, can blast a server with 100,000 packets per second. 例如,快速以太网链路送来的持续的长脉冲串可能冲垮每秒10万包处理能力的服务器。
- Additionally, the BCM56504 is based on a 72 Gbps packet processor that is capable of processing over 100 million packets per second, which is unrivaled for integrated multi-layer switches. 此外,BCM56504是基于每秒可处理超过1亿包的72Gbps包处理器,这一能力在集成多层交换机领域无可匹敌。
- The number of RADIUS Accounting-Request packets per second which were received and responded to but not recorded. 每秒从这个客户接收和相应但没有记录的重复RADIUS帐户相应数据包的数目。
- The number of RADIUS Accounting-Response packets per second sent to this client. 每秒发送到这个客户的重复RADIUS帐户相应数据包的数目。
- The number of duplicate RADIUS Access-Request packets per second received from this client. 每秒从这个客户接收的重复RADIUS访问请求数据包的数目。
- The number of duplicate RADIUS Accounting-Request packets per second received from this client. 每秒从这个客户接收的重复RADIUS帐户相应数据包的数目。
- The number of malformed packets per second received. Bad authenticators or unknown types are not included. 每秒接收的格式错误的数据包的数目。不包括坏的身份验证程序或未知类型。
- The number of packets per second received from this client on the accounting port. 每秒在帐户端口上从这个客户接收的数据包的数目。
- The number of packets per second received on the authentication port from this client. 每秒从这个客户在身份验证端口上接收的数据包数目。
- The number of incoming packets per second silently discarded for a reason other than malformed, bad authenticators, or unknown types. 除了格式不对、坏的身份验证程序或未知类型等原因之外而放弃的每秒输入数据包数目。
- First-generation Layer 3 switches, similar to general purpose routers, were based on CPU architectures that provided flexibility, but limited performance to under 100,000 packets per second (pps) for both switching and routing. 第一代第3层交换机与通用路由器相似,是基于cpu的体系结构,这种结构提供了灵活性,但把交换和路由的性能限制在每秒10万包以下。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- First-generation Layer 3 switches,similar to general purpose routers,were based on CPU architectures that provided flexibility,but limited performance to under 100,000 packets per second (pps) for both switching and routing. 第一代第3层交换机与通用路由器相似,是基于CPU的体系结构,这种结构提供了灵活性,但把交换和路由的性能限制在每秒10万包以下。
- To illustrate,a 1G-byte file transfers on a Fast Ethernet link requires the servers on both ends to process 8000 packets per second for 5 seconds. 例如,在高速以太网链路上传输1G字节的文件,两端的服务器需要以每秒处理8000包的处理速度处理8秒。
- To illustrate, a 1G-byte file transfers on a Fast Ethernet link requires the servers on both ends to process 8000 packets per second for 5 seconds. 例如,在高速以太网链路上传输1G字节的文件,两端的服务器需要以每秒处理8000包的处理速度处理8秒。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- The velocity of light is about 186,000 miles per second. 光速大约是每秒十八万六千英里。