- oxygen bleaching stage 氧漂段
- Oxygen bleaching was used in soybean/cotton blended knitgoods pretreatment. 根据大豆蛋白纤维的特性,采用氧漂工艺进行前处理;
- Appropriate rare earth complex was introduced to protect carbohydrates from degradation in oxygen bleaching of unbleached kraft pulp. 硫酸盐木浆氧漂处理中,加入适量的稀土络合物助剂,能起到保护碳水化合物的作用。
- These results confirmed quantitatively that lignin oxidation is essential for the delignification during oxygen bleaching. 定量地证明了在氧漂过程中木质素氧化是脱木质素反应的实质。
- The waste water including lignin-ramification was mainly from pulping stage and bleaching stage. 在制浆造纸工业中含木素衍生物和其它化合物的废水主要来源于备木车间、机械浆车间和漂白车间。
- Using compound scouring enzyme 301L,the pretreatment of ramie/viscose fabric was carried and compared with conventional oxygen bleaching. 采用复合精练酶301L对亚麻粘胶混纺织物前处理,并与传统氧漂工艺进行了比较。
- A preferable AOP_TAED sequence is used to improve the oxygen bleaching capability, it can upgrade 12.8%ISO than AO sequence, KMnO4 value reduce 1.84, viscosity reduce 241 ml/g. P_(TAED)结合氧气漂白能有效地提高氧漂性能,采用漂序AOP_(TAED)比AO漂序纸浆的白度提高了12.;8%25ISO,K值降低了1
- The process receip and points for attention of pretreatment for ramie-cotton elastic fabrics, such as singeing, cold batch, unwinding, oxygen bleaching, mercerizing and setting. 讨论苎麻棉弹力织物前处理中烧毛、冷堆、退卷、氧漂、丝光、定形的具体工艺处方及加工中的注意事项;
- This paper focused on the mechanism, improvement of delignification rate of electrochemically mediated oxygen bleaching by adding transitional metal compounds. 重点对电化学氧气漂白机理和过渡金属催化剂在电化学氧气漂白中的作用进行了概述。
- The technological of pretreatment for rayon/linen blended yarn, and the technological conditions of scouring and chlorine bleaching and oxygen bleaching wtere introdued. 阐述粘胶亚麻混纺纱线的前处理工艺,分析了煮练、氯漂、氧漂的工艺条件。
- Sodium Perborate monohydrate is similar to sodium percarbonate as a famous oxygen bleach agent.It offers many of the functional benefits as liquid hydrogen peroxide in a stable solid form. 作为一种高效稳定的氧系漂白剂,过硼酸钠被广泛地应用于洗衣粉、彩漂粉、洗碗剂中,它兼有洗涤、去污、漂白、杀菌、除异味和织物保色增艳等多种功效。
- Sodium Perborate monohydrate similar sodium percarbonate as famous oxygen bleach agent.It offers many of the functional benefits as liquid hydrogen peroxide in a stable solid form. 作为一种高效稳定的氧系漂白剂,过硼酸钠被广泛地应用于洗衣粉、彩漂粉、洗碗剂中,它兼有洗涤、去污、漂白、杀菌、除异味和织物保色增艳等多种功效。
- Shangyuchem - Oxygen bleach chemicals and specialty chemicals including sodium percarbonate, sodium perborate, TAED, calcium peroxide, magnesium peroxide, and potassium monopersulfate. 中国无机盐信息网-提供无机盐信息咨询服务的网站。包括环境保护,科技成果,文献资料等。
- New oxygenic bleaching aids not contains NaOH,its process does not need infiltrator,stabilization,chelating and purifier etc. 新型氧漂助剂不含烧碱,其工艺无需渗透剂、稳定剂、螯合剂和精练剂等。
- Rapid Oxygen Bleaching Process without Alkali 快速无碱氧漂工艺的应用
- It will improve the quality and the standard by double oxygen bleached to dew retting rove after boiling. 对雨露麻粗纱煮练后进行两次氧漂,可提高漂后租纱质量,改善细纱条干及成纱品质指标。
- There are many spotlights on the stage. 舞台上有很多聚光灯。
- Study on the Oxygen Bleaching of Soda?AQ Reed Pulp Soda-AQ法苇浆氧气漂白
- Please dim out the stage for the final scene. 请在最后一场即将开演时使舞台灯光转暗。
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。