- I think it will be even better if Chou Zai has his own program!!! 我觉得周仔自己开一个节目更好!更满足大家!!!
- He developed his own program in partnership with an American expert. 他与一位美国专家合作开发自己的程序。
- The first step to creating your own program is getting your environment set up. 创建你自己的程序的第一步是安装你的开发环境。
- The children will perform their own programmes. 孩子们要表演自己的节目
- Like sample applications, Starter Kits can be used as a starting point for your own program. 与示例应用程序相同,初学者工具包也可以用作自己的程序的起点。
- One student who completed Mister Bailly's leadership course launched her own program in the Namibian capital, Windhoek. 一个学完了巴伊先生的课的学生在纳米比亚首都温德赫克发起了自己的计划。
- Still, other schools are preparing their own programs, Lewiston . 仍有其他学校在准备自己的项目。
- If you are unlucky, it will point somewhere inside your own program and corrupt one of your data structures, causing the program to fail mysteriously. 如果你运气不好,那么它可能指向某个属于你程序的地方然后毁掉你的某个数据结构,导致程序莫名其妙的失败。
- It is good thing that many parents have realized the importance of education,but some parents are too eager to start their own program to educate their children. 很多家长能意识到教育的重要性是一件好事,但是一些家长太过于急切的按照自己的程序去教育他们的孩子。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- A user can enter anything he wants, from 5 to 500, and the field will accept it and return the value to the owning program. 用户可以随心所欲地输入5~500之间的任意数,输入字段将接收输入并且将该值返回所属程序。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- The advanced techniques shown here should help you improve the configuration of your own programs. 这里显示的高级技术应该有助于您改进自己程序的配置。
- Is a first-class object, which makes it easy for even novices to quickly begin using it in their own programs. 是一个很好的对象,因此即使是编程新手也很容易在自己的程序中使用它。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- When you finish, you will be familiar with Visual Basic tools and conceptsand ready to start writing your own programs. 完成后,您就会熟悉Visual Basic工具和概念,那时您就可以开始编写您自己的程序了。
- Any WSDL tool can have its own programming model to invoke a grid service instance. 任何支持WSDL的工具都可能有自己的编程模型。
- Can I omit the preamble of the GPL, or the instructions for how to use it on your own programs, to save space? 我可以省略GPL的导言或者如何在你的程序中使用它的指令来节省空间吗?
- Yes, you may shriek in horror when the thought of doing your own programming creeps into your innocent mind. 是的,当自主编程的思想慢慢侵略着你原本单纯的想法的时候,你可能会害怕,以至于惊声尖叫。
- He prefers to assort with people of his own age. 他更喜欢与自己的同龄人交往。