- We owe a great deal to our parents. 我们深受父母之恩。
- We owe a great deal to our Party. 党对我们的恩情说不完。
- We owe a great deal to our parents and teachers . 我们深受父母及教师之恩。
- We owe a great deal to our parents and teachers. 我们深受父母及教师之恩。
- I owe a great deal to all of you. 我欠你们大家太多了。
- His drawings owe a great deal to Xu Bei-hong. 他的画在很大程度上受徐悲鸿的影响。
- Modern medicine owe a great deal to the discovery of certain tiny disease-carrying organisms. 现代医学大大归功于某些传达室染疾病的微生物的发现。
- The reforms owe a great deal to the resolution of one man. 这些改革主要归功于一个人的坚定决心。
- The Chinese women owe a great deal to them and will engrave their names on the hearts forever. 中国妇女乃至全世界妇女将永远铭记她()的名字!
- The United States owes a great deal to the Afro-Americans. 黑人对美国作过很大的贡献。
- American education owes a great deal to Tomas Jefferson. 托马斯.;杰弗逊为美国的教育作出了很大的贡献
- I owe a great deal to him. 我非常感激他。
- He has a great deal to attend to today. 他今天有许多事要处理。
- The fertility of this period and place owed a great deal to the strong collective sense of purpose developed by Chicago sociologists. 此时此地的丰富成果在很大成度上要归功于由芝加哥社会学家所确立的强烈的集体目标感。
- In a later period, the theology of Augustine owed a great deal to his early experience as a Manichaean. 在后期的时期,奥古斯丁把他的神学思想归咎于早期作为一个摩尼教徒的经历。
- The tool matters a great deal to him. 工具对他来说极其重要。
- History shows that the United states as nation owes a great deal to the Afre-American. 历史证明美国黑人为美国这样一个民族作出了巨大的贡献。
- Your cooperation means much/ a great deal to us. 你们的协作对我们帮助极大/有很大的意义。
- Modern medicine owes a great deal to the discovery of certain tiny disease-carrying organisms. 某些传染疾病的微生物的发现,对近代医学的发展是有很大功劳的。
- Your friendship means a great deal to me . 你的友谊对我极为珍贵。