- The motion was passed by an overwhelming majority. 提案以压倒多数通过。
- The overwhelming majority of the people? 最广大人民
- He was voted in by an overwhelming majority. 他以压倒多数的选票当选了。
- The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 该法案以压倒多数通过。
- The House voted the proposal down by an overwhelming majority. 议院以压倒多数否决了这项提案。
- The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 这个决议经绝大多数赞成通过了。
- The overwhelming majority of the indigenous English are,in fact,BCs. 事实上,绝大多数土生土长的英国人属于BC级。
- The overwhelming majority of WTO members are developing ones. 在WTO成员中,绝大多数是发展中成员,
- They comprise the overwhelming majority of the white people. 他们构成了白人中的压倒性多数。
- The candidate was supported by an overwhelming majority. 那个候选人受到了压倒多数的支持。
- The resolutionwas adopted by an overwhelming majority. 这个决议经绝大多数赞成通过了。
- The overwhelming majority of our comrades are good comrades. 我们的同志,绝对大多数都是好同志。
- Parliament accepted the Bill by an overwhelming majority. 议会以压倒性的多数票通过了这项法案。
- The Ministry has been defeated by an overwhelming majority. 内阁被压倒多数票击败。
- An overwhelming majority voted to abolish the brutal punishment. 压倒性的大多数投票废除那个残酷的刑罚。
- I think the overwhelming majority supports this decision. 我想绝大多数人是拥护这个决定的。
- The Congress passed this proposal by an overwhelming majority. 议会以压倒多数的胜利通过了这次提案。
- Otherwise, we will not be able to unite with the overwhelming majority. 这样才能真正团结绝大多数。
- Otherwise,we will not be able to unite with the overwhelming majority. 这样,我们才能真正团结绝大多数。
- The overwhelming majority of those present were in favour of the plan. 绝大多数与会者都赞同这个计划。