- He looked with misgiving at the overcast sky. 他不安地看着阴云密布的天空。
- He looked with misgivingat the overcast sky. 他不安地看着阴云密布的天空。
- Heavy overcast sky, I feel very depressed, as I feel. 天空阴沉沉的,感觉很压抑,一如我的心情。
- The overcast sky creates beautiful silvery reflections in water. 在阴天创造了美丽的银色反射在水中。
- The ferris wheel stood lonely under the overcast sky. 摩天轮在阴沉的天色中孤独地站立。
- The light is coming indirectly from an overcast sky and is relatively neutral. 鉴于是未来间接从一阴的天空和相对中立。
- The overcast sky shrouded the garden in a twilight gloom, and indoors all the lights were on. 天色阴暗到几乎像黄昏。 满屋子的电灯全开亮了。
- We set out under a cold,overcast sky,and by five o'clock it was snowing like anything. 我们是在天气寒冷、阴云低垂的情况下出发的,到了五点左右,天下起大雪来了。
- Sunday dawned, dark and sullen, with an overcast sky and the threatenings of thunder in the air. 星期天的黎明十分,黑暗且沉闷,阴云密布,电闪雷鸣。
- "Dark clouds have gathered over India ,my friends," he says gesticulating at the overcast sky. “我的朋友们,乌云正在印度头上聚集。”他边说边指向乌云密布的天空。
- It was only then that they realized that it was thundering and that an overcast sky awaited them with its promise of a storm. 这时候,她们才知道外边有雷,有暴风雨前的阴霾,在等着她们!
- The overcast sky creates beautiful silvery reflections in water. One of the secrets in getting good images on overcast days is to keep the sky itself out of the picture. 水面对阴天的天空产生了银色的反光。在阴天取得好图片的秘诀之一是把天空本身排除在图片之外。
- However, inadequate sunshine due to prolonged periods of overcast sky or rainy weather means that occasionally there may not be sufficient power to keep the stations running. 但是当遇上长期天阴或下雨而引致阳光不足,这些气象站便可能因为欠缺能源而不能运作。
- 6.He looked with misgiving at the overcast sky. 他不安地看着阴云密布的天空。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- It's a bit overcast; it might rain. 天有点阴,可能下雨。
- The sky is bespangled with stars. 天空中点缀着亮晶晶的星星。
- Lightning zigzagged across the sky. 闪电曲折地在天空划过。