- overall professional ability 全面职业能力
- Knowledge management in institutes and development of the professional ability of architects. 组织的知识管理与建筑师职业能力的开发。
- One who performs at the pinnacle of professional ability; one who is the best at what one does. 熟练人员:专业能力达到了顶峰的;对于本行工作掌握得最好的。
- The company has a professional ability, hard work style, service and efficient workforce. 公司拥有一支业务精、作风硬、服务好、效率高的员工队伍。
- To enhance professional ability of relative person and elevate working efficiency, such as all kinds of process documents and QC methods, etc. 技术类培训,计算机操作方法等。
- To help the employees develop themselves, TWI include: The training on rudiments, professional ability, and corporate culture. 企业内训分为基础知识培训、业务能力培训和企业文化培训等多个方面,为企业全方位解决员工成长问题。
- The important effect of editor professional ability on quality of science technical journal is explicated using some examples. 通过编辑实践并用实例阐述了编辑人员素质在提高科技期刊的质量中所起的重要作用。
- Animadverting thought is a way of thinking which is necessary for legal profession.It is also an important part of legal professional ability. 摘要批判性思维是法律职业所必需的思维方式,是法律职业能力结构中的重要组成部分;
- Professional ability for students in Law Service is an integrated ability,including special ability,basic ability and innovative ability. 法律服务专业的学生职业能力是一种综合能力,包括专业能力、基本技能、创新能力三部分。
- In Heibei he has worked in trademark industry for 18 years and obtained rich professional ability and professional experiences. 从事商标工作18年,有较高的业务素质和丰富的专业经验。
- What the member that the flight signs a school moves as airline is directorial, must have extremely high integrated quality and professional ability. 飞行签派员作为航空公司运行的指挥者,必须具有极高的综合素质和业务能力。
- Only tho se who possess noble characters, higher professional ability, excellent ideologi cal qualities and profound cultural knowledge can b... 一个德才兼备的优秀人才,必须具备高尚的道德品质,很强的业务能力,优秀的思想素质,丰富的文化修养,才能跟上时代改革的步伐。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- The NIA Program is your professional education pathway to progress through the NIA's membership levels and is a great way to improve your professional ability and standing. NIA的课程是您通向NIA会员资格的专业教育桥梁,并且也是一个很好的机会提高你的专业能力和水平。
- Secondly, the CPA"s professional construction should be reinforced, for example, to raise all CPA"s professional ability, perfect the managemental system, and so on. 其次,应当加强注册会计师行业人员和机构的建设,包括提高整体素质、健全管理制度、扩大事务所规模等。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。