- overall corresponding reform 综合协调改革
- At the same time the corresponding reform should be carried out so as to improve the socialization of the equipment resources allotment in higher education institutions. 同时,也要在高校继续大力推进教学管理制度、实践教学体系和设备管理体制等配套改革。
- During the preparatory constitutional reform the end of the Qing Dynasty, the local administrative system also underwent corresponding reform, whereinthe primary separation of administration from legislation and jurisdiction was effected. 在清末的预备立宪改革中,地方行政体制也进行了相应的改革。通过这一改革,初步形成了行政与立法、行政与司法的分离;
- Comparison of the ABC with the DCC method, showed an overall correspondence rate of 76.7% and 94.6% in positive cases. ABC与DCC法的总符合率为76.;7%25;阳性符合率为94
- Corresponding reforms were also carried out in the composition of local governments at all levels. 地方各级政府机构也进行了相应改革。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- Entering WTO and the Corresponding Reform of China's Insurance Business 加入WTO与中国保险业改革
- There's been an overall improvement recently. 近来各方面都有所改进。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。
- The overall situation is worsening. 整体形势在日益恶化。
- The shop assistant was wearing a white overall. 那店员穿著白色长罩衣。
- I fell off my bike and went arse over tit. 我跌下自行车,一头号栽到地上。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- The sailboat keeled over in the storm. 帆船在风暴中倾覆了。