- over hang wheel 外伸车轮
- A pall of mystery seem to hang over it all. 整个事件似乎笼罩上一层神秘的气氛。
- A pall of mystery seems to hang over it all. 整个事件似乎笼罩上一层神秘的气氛。
- They found her slumped over the steering wheel. 他们发现她倒伏在方向盘上。
- We flushed a covey of quail under a high clay bank with over hanging brush and I killed two as they went out of sight over the top of the bank. 高高的土堤上长着倒垂下来的灌木丛,我们从那下面撵起了一群鹌鹑。当它们快要从堤岸顶上消失时,我击落了两只。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- I've got the hump over what he said to me. 我已经对他所说的很不耐烦了。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一块肩巾。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- The dog kept a vigilant guard over the house. 这只狗警惕地守护着这所房屋。
- The river is always shady here because trees hang over from either side. 这一段河面总是有阴影,因为河两岸的树都伸到河面上来了。
- She worried over her father's health. 她为父亲的健康担忧。
- The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。
- Meanwhile, other triads are targeting to capture the business of Hung Hing.Li eventually takes over Hung Hing and saves Yeung from a trap.Yeung appreciates and coordinates with Li to fight back. 豪得悉后赶往货柜码头,但港已遭出卖,更被警方扣留,其时豪发现该集团主脑正是他杀父仇人,于是联同港冲出警方重围,把仇人杀死,港为报答豪,最后招认了一切罪名。
- I fell off my bike and went arse over tit. 我跌下自行车,一头号栽到地上。
- With deep precipice and over hanging rocks on each side , many shoals one after another, the Yangtze Gorges were praised as“ the Landscape Painting Gallery” and “Golden Watercourse”. 三峡两岸悬崖峭壁,江中滩峡相间,被海内外游客誉为“山水画廊”和“黄金水道”。
- He asked the tailor to make over his pants. 他请裁缝把他的裤子翻改了一下。
- The clouds of war hang over the east. 战云高悬于东部地区。
- The sailboat keeled over in the storm. 帆船在风暴中倾覆了。