- outside surround concrete 外包混凝土
- City is a large and open system and the sustainable development is concerned with its outside surroundings. 城市它是一个大的开放系统,它的可持续发展肯定与外部环境有关。
- A crack in the tension zone of the concrete implies that some slip has occurred between the steel reinforcement and the surrounding concrete. 在混凝土受拉区出现裂缝意味着钢筋与周围的混凝土之间产生了一些滑移。
- Tests of a set of batten have been carried out, which proved that the soleplate of precast honeycomb could integrate with surrounding concrete. 进行了一组“板带”试验,证明了芯模的底板可以与周围混凝土粘结紧密,整个底板可以作为一块整板考虑。
- The company's outside surroundings,prewarning mechanism and patent strategy management system were built centering on the company's patent stratgy. 围绕公司的专利战略构建公司外部环境、专利预警机制、专利战略管理体系和法律纠纷处理机制以顺利实现专利战略目标。
- Just like a worrier who needs to be alert of the outside surroundings to protect his country; we need to reflect our own mind all the time to protect ourselves. 正如一个武士需要对外在的环境保持警觉性来保家卫国;我们必须对自己的心念时时观照来保护自己。
- Concrete stresses in the axial direction of the spiral casing are relatively uniform dispersed tensile stresses, the maximum axial stress occurs in the thinnest section of surrounding concrete. 沿蜗壳轴线方向的应力为相对均匀的拉应力,最大拉应力出现在外围混凝土厚度最薄的部位。
- Can cover up a face of plaque, thin Crease and bulky pores effectively, at the same time in the skin surface formulating protective layer, Insulate the outside surroundings to violate to the skin, create the beauty healthy skin that leuco- is radiant. 能有效遮盖脸部斑痕、纹及粗大毛孔,同时在肌肤表面形成保护层,隔离外界环境对皮肤的侵害,缔造靓白晶莹的健康肌肤。
- Abstract: The surrounding concrete of steel spiral case in the power station of Three Gorges Project(TGP) is constructed by means of keeping aspecific level of internal pressure during construction. 摘要: 防渗墙墙体槽段的连接部位是防渗墙防渗的薄弱环节,其连接质量是保证防渗墙整体防渗效果的关键,决定着防渗墙的成败。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- He is gunned down in the street outside his office. 他在他办公室外的街上被枪杀。
- The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods. 混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在户外聚会是我的主意。
- The trees outside the window blocked off the sun. 窗外的树木挡住了阳光。
- We need a hoist to lift the concrete blocks. 我们需要一台起重机来吊起混凝土块。
- Don't get within range of their big guns; surround the camp from a distance. 不要进入他们大炮的射程以内,要隔一段距离包围住敌营。
- The machine rests on a bed of concrete. 机器安装在混凝土基座上。
- Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong? 你认为婚外性行为是不对的吗?
- It is too dark outside to allow of walking. 外面太黑了,不能出去散步。
- The army encamped outside the walls. 军队在城墙外面扎下了营。