- You have almost got the tune correct of the outside string, but the tune of the inner string is still a little high. 你的外弦发音基本准了,里弦还有些高。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- The child was trailing a toy car on a string. 小孩用绳子拖着一辆玩具车。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- It was the latest in a string of hotel disasters. 那是一系列的饭店事故中最新发生的一起。
- She's had us all on a string for too long. 我们大家受她摆布已经很长时间了。
- Don't cut the string, untie the knots. 别剪断绳子,把结解开。
- Harp not for ever on the same string. 勿老调重谈。
- He is gunned down in the street outside his office. 他在他办公室外的街上被枪杀。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在户外聚会是我的主意。
- The trees outside the window blocked off the sun. 窗外的树木挡住了阳光。
- He fished a length of string out of his pocket. 他从口袋里掏出一条绳子。
- She pulls every string to attain the end. 她想尽一切办法来达到目的。
- The baby had his mother on a string. 那位母亲对她的婴孩百依百顺。
- Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong? 你认为婚外性行为是不对的吗?
- It is too dark outside to allow of walking. 外面太黑了,不能出去散步。
- The string is wound round a cardboard cylinder. 线缠绕在纸筒上。
- The army encamped outside the walls. 军队在城墙外面扎下了营。
- We'll need outside help before we can finish. 我们需要外界援助才能完成。