- Her face with radiance absorbed me. 她那容光焕发的脸庞吸引了我。
- The radiance of the sunset died away. 夕阳的余辉渐渐地消失了。
- Her wedding brought us radiance. 她的婚礼给我们带来喜悦。
- She's outgoing and a good mixer. 她性格外向,善于交际。
- A public container for deposit of outgoing mail. 邮筒为存放外寄信件而设的公用盒箱
- Outgoing orders of Chinese food. 中国饭菜的外带订购
- outgoing radiance 射出光亮度
- The average outgo of the factory is 2000 dollars. 工厂的平均支出是二千美元。
- He saw a youth of great radiance beckoning to him. 他看见一个丰神飘逸的少年向他招手。
- What we needed was a new radiance altogether. 我们需要的则是一种全新的光辉。
- Aunty Henny was an outgoing but reticent person. 亨妮阿姨为人友善,但沉默寡言。
- Jeanette is a very outgoing person. 珍妮特是个很外向的人。
- His study is perfused with radiance. 他的书房充满了光线。
- The fee of our company's outgo last month was much more than this month. 我们公司上月支出的费用比这个月多。
- Humboldt wanted to drape the world in radiance. 洪堡想把世界装饰得光彩夺目。
- We were enchanted by the radiance of her smile. 她的嫣然一笑令我们着迷。
- She is the outgoing head of a large corporation. 她是一家大公司即将离职的负责人。
- The outgo was greater than the income. 支出超过收入。
- Friendly and responsive; outgoing. 友好的友好的且乐于助人的;友善的
- This radiance did not stop at the wall. 那金光并不在墙壁上停留,而是往无限处延伸。