- out all night helling around. 整夜在外面花天酒地
- You frightened me to death,staying out all night. 你整夜不回家,真把我吓死了。
- You frightened me to death, staying out all night. 你整夜不回来,让我害怕死了。
- You frightened me to death, staying out all night! 你整夜不回家, 把我急死了!
- Who gave you permission to stop out all night? 谁准许你整夜不归?
- I left the chairs out all night,and they got drenched with rain. 我把椅子放在户外一整夜,全都淋湿了。
- I left the chairs out all night, and they got drenched with rain. 我把椅子放在户外一整夜,全都淋湿了。
- His cat calls out all night, which is rather disturbing. 他家的猫一到夜里就叫春,真烦人。
- When he was 13 Jim sneaked out of the house and stayed out all night. 他在13岁时曾暗自离家出走,在外面呆了整整一夜。
- Lisa: You stayed out all night knowing you both have flight duty today. 你们两个知道今天有飞行任务还依旧整晚呆在外面!
- For Madonna's concert,fans camped out all night to get one of the few tickets. 歌迷们为了麦当娜的演唱会通宵露营只求购得一张珍稀的门票。
- The child stayed out all night. 那孩子彻夜未归。
- I reckon Private Jones has overstepped the mark by taking the colone's daughter to a disco and keeping her out all night. 我想二等兵琼斯把上校的女儿带去跳迪斯科舞又整夜不归,这样做得太过份了。
- He was helling around when in Europe. 在欧洲期间,他一直过着花天酒地的生活。
- The disciples had been out all night without catching any fish, remember they were fishermen. 使徒们已经出去了整个晚上没有抓到任何鱼,他们都是鱼民。
- She stayed out all night. 她彻夜未归。
- What these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and helling around. 这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地。
- Some bright spark has left the tap running all night. 哪个小淘气干的聪明事,让水龙头开了一夜。
- And all that day and all night and the day after, the people were taking up the birds; the smallest amount which anyone got was ten homers: and they put them out all round the tents. 百姓起来,终日终夜,并次日一整天,捕取鹌鹑;至少的也取了十贺梅珥,为自己摆列在营的四围。
- The surgeon cut out all the diseased tissue. 外科大夫把坏了的组织都切除掉。