- Economy precedes every other problem. 经济问题优先于所有其他问题。
- Their other problems paled into insignificance beside this latest catastrophe. 最近发生这一灾祸后,他们其他的问题都显得无关重要了。
- Problems always lead to other problems. 有些问题总是连带着另外的问题。
- The idiom has other problems, too. 此外,这个习惯用法还有其他问题。
- What other problems can be caused by smoking? 抽烟还会引起别的什么问题呢?
- It could lead to infection and other problems. 否则会导致感染或其它问题。
- But it makes the other problem, temporality. 而这同时又引出了另一个问题,即时间性。
- The SDP's other problem is leadership. 社会民主党的另一个问题就是领导权问题。
- Pls mail me if you get any other problem. 如果您还有什么问题,请发邮件给我。
- I hope this spirit will guide us in solving all the other problems. 我希望这种精神也将指导我们解决其它问题。
- And there are quite a few other problems of the same order. 其他类似的问题还不少。
- This is only a problem of name,other problems are more complicated. 这还是一个名称问题,其他问题就更复杂了。
- What else can go wrong(= what other problems are we going to have)? 还会出现什么问题?
- Among other problems, the Cardinal was too small and had no trunk. 除了别的问题之外,红雀太小了,又没有行李仓。
- Two other problems are engaging the attention of our table. 我们这一桌还讨论了其他两个问题。
- The other problem is the boss's tendency to interfere too early. 另一个问题是上司往往干预太早。
- Other problems will also be discussed by the attendants. 其它的问题也将由与会者讨论。
- The symplectic method provides a way for solving other problems. 这种辛方法也为求解其他问题提供了一条路径。
- But for many Poles, the issue pales in contrast to other problems. 但对许多波兰人而言,与其他的问题相比,这个问题并不显得有多重要。
- Moreover,it discussed the other problems about the laser radiat... 文中还对激光节育的有关问题进行了讨论。