- other income budget [经] 其他收益预算
- These along with the other income,will see him through. 这些,连同其他收入一道,将使他渡过难关。
- To get a credit card, you must fill out a form that requires you to tell about your salary and other income. 你要办一张信用卡,需要填写一张表格,写明你的薪金和其他收入。
- Foreign exchange receipts or other income of foreign business can be remitted out of the country after tax payments. 外商所得外汇收入或者其他收益,可以在纳税后依法汇往国外。
- The portion of a corporation's taxable income owed to federal, state, and other income tax authorities. 所得税费用是公司欠联邦政府、州政府、和其他所得税权威机构的应税所得的部分。
- If less than HK$80,000 peb annum, please Network indicate source(s) of other income. 如年薪总额不足八万港元,请注明其他收入数目及来源。
- A cash shortage is classified as an Operating and Administrative Expense. A cash overage is classified as other Income. 现金短缺被看作经营和行政花费;现金溢出被看作其他收入。
- Other income specified as taxable by the finance department of the State Council. 十一、经国务院财政部门确定征税的其他所得。
- Kitakyushu and Kobe for the year 2006, other income and expenditure survey in 2005. 北九州和神户为2006年度,其他为2005年度的收支调查。
- The benchmark for the breakage/loss is 0.8 % of food and beverage revenue including F&B other income. 雅高周转存货破损率标准为餐饮收入包括餐饮其它收入的0.;8%25。
- Withholding Any tax that is taken directly out of an individual's wages or other income before he or she receives the funds. 指从个人薪酬或其他收入中直接扣除的任何税项。
- The foreign enterprise which has no establishment or place in China but derives profit (dividend), interest, rental, royalty and other income from sources in China. 外国企业在中国境内未设立机构、场所,而有取得的来源于中国境内的利润(股息)、利息、租金、特许权使用费和其他所得
- The term "returns" means the amounts yielded by investments, such as profits, dividends, capital gains, interests, royalties or other income. 收益”一词系指由投资所产生的款项,如利润、股息、资本利得、利息、提成费或其他收入。
- The foreign enterprise which has no establishment or place in China but derives profit (dividend) , interest, rental, royalty and other income from sources in China. 外国企业在中国境内未设立机构、场所,而有取得的来源于中国境内的利润(股息)、利息、租金、特许权使用费和其他所得,
- The industry developments were not the summit to value.On the other hand, the financial income regarded land tax affixation and "other income" as main sources. 而财政收入以田赋附加及“其它收入”为主要来源,足见当时湖南苛捐杂税繁重、民不聊生。
- Companies also could see hits to 'other income,' where nonoperating profits -- including investments in the stock market and currency positions -- are listed. 有的公司还会受到“其他收入”的打击。“其他收入”一栏列出的主要是股市和外汇投资等非经营性利润。
- The industry developments were not the summit to value.On the other hand, the financial income regarded land tax affixation and "other income" as main sources. 而财政收入以田赋附加及“其它收入”为主要来源,足见当时湖南苛捐杂税繁重、民不聊生。
- The establishment settles an account the journalize, over into general ledger, from but will business income, other income with expenses bank account all close accounts. 编制结帐分录,过入总分类帐,从而将营业收入、其他收入和费用帐户全部结清。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- Make the Other income list. 制定其他收入列表;