- orogenic belt in qinling 秦岭造山带
- There is a part of Hercynian granite plutons of the North Qinling Orogenic Belt in siziping region of Henan Province. 北秦岭造山带狮子坪地区出露部分海西期花岗深成岩体。
- The North China and Yangtze paleo-plates coalesced to form China plate and middle Qinling orogenic belt in Carboniferous-Permian times. 而聚合拼贴形成的中国板块和中秦岭造山带与联合古陆的形成时期同为石炭、二叠纪。
- The rocks coexist closely, distributing in a narrow and long belt in the Late Precambrian orogenic belt in northern Liaoning. 它们紧密共生,呈狭长的带状分布于辽宁北部晚前寒武纪造山带内。
- The Altai Hercynian orogenic belt in northern Xinjiang has experienced two stages (regional) metamorphism. 新疆阿尔泰海西造山带主要发育两期区域变质作用。
- The structure of the orogenic belt in northern Taiwan could also be explained by a kinematic model of transpression. 台湾北部的造山带构造亦可用一个横移压缩的运动学模型来解释.
- The structure of the orogenic belt in northern Taiwan could equally be explained by a kinematic model of transpression. 台湾北部的造山带构造亦可用一个横移压缩的运动学模型来解释。
- The deformation characteristics of Longquanguan DSZ reflect the tectonic evolution of the late Archaean collision orogenic belt in Wutaishan area. 龙泉关韧性剪切带的变形特征反映了五台山晚太古代碰撞造山带的构造演化。
- The result shows that the Tarim basin and the Junggar beam underthrust to the Tianshan orogenic belt in opposite directions. 结果发现,塔里木盆地与准噶示盆地向天山造山带对冲。
- There was an orogenic belt called the Cathaysian continental marginal orogenic belt in late Mesozoic along the present northern margin of the South China Sea. 南海北部陆缘在中生代晚期曾形成宏伟的华夏陆缘造山带。
- The Qingling-Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt resulted from collision between of North China Craton and Yantze Craton is the largest UHP metamorphic belt in the world. 中国中东部的秦岭-大别造山带是中国中央造山带的重要组成部分,是华北-扬子两大板块俯冲-碰撞的产物,是世界上规模最大的超高压变质带。
- The Palaeoproterozoic orogenic belt in Liaodong peninsula which sandwiches between two Archean crystalline blocks (Longgang Platform and Langlin Platform) is one typical example. 沉积建造出现了明显的分异。
- The Xiasai silver-polymetallic deposit lies in the exometamorphic zone of the late Yanshanian granite body in the Yidun island arc orogenic belt in West Sichuan. 夏塞银矿位于川西义敦岛弧造山带燕山晚期绒依措花岗岩体外接触带浅变质岩中,是一个超大型的中低温热液脉型银多金属矿床。
DISCUSSION ON PLATE TECTONICS AND?MINERALIZING PROCESS IN MIDDLE?LATE?PROTEROZOIC EON IN QINLING OROGENIC BELT?AND ITS ADJACENT AREA 秦岭造山带及邻区中晚元古宙板块构造与成矿作用初析- On the basis of summarization of metallogenic series arid subseries, the authors have discussed regional metallogeny and evolutionary regularity of metallogenic series in Qilian orogenic belt in Palaeozoic. 在成矿系列、亚系列总结论述基础上,探讨了造山带早古生代区域成矿及成矿系列演化规律。
- Mohe Basin situates in the northern edge of Erguna massif and to the Mongolia-Okhotsk orogenic belt in north.Both Mohe Basin and Amur Basin in Russia belonged to the same basin in the Mesozoic. 摘要漠河盆地位于额尔古纳地块北缘,其北为蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山带,与紧邻的俄罗斯上阿穆尔盆地在中生代时期同属一个盆地。
- There are great bifurcations as yet on the structural environment and on the evolution of the Xingmeng Paleozoic orogenic belt in Southeast Inner Mongolia during the Carboniferous Period. 内蒙古东南部古生代造山带在石炭纪时期的构造环境和构造演化,至今在认识上存在较大的分歧。
- Beishan Mountain orogenic belt in Gansu Province is a part of the extensive Tianshan-Xinganling folded belt, located where Tarim-China-Korea plate is connected with the Kazakhstan plate. 摘要甘肃北山造山带系天山-兴安巨型褶皱带的组成部分,地处塔里木-中朝板块与哈萨克斯坦板块的接壤地带。
- The Songsugou peridotite in Shangnan, Shaanxi Province is an important but petrogenetically debated ultramafic massif in the Qinling orogenic belt. 陕西商南县松树沟橄榄岩体是秦岭造山带中具重要意义和争议较大的岩体。