The region belongs to a complex intracontinental orogenic belt. 构造复杂,是典型的陆内造山带发育地区。
Geochemical properties of the variolitic andesite from Susong in the Dabie orogenic belt, China. 大别造山带宿松球颗结构安山岩的地球化学特征。
The Chagan sag developed on the ancient orogenic belts near the northwestern margin of North China Plate, which was a post-orogenic extensional collapse basin. 摘要查干凹陷发育于华北板块西北缘的古造山带基础之上,属造山期后的伸展垮塌型盆地。
The manifestations of large-scale magmatic intrusions occurring in the upper-mid crust in the cores of the orogenic belt were related to post-orogenic geological processes. 造山带核部上中地壳存在着规模很大的岩浆岩体的显示,与造山期后的地质作用有关。