- A proxy server that appears to the client as if it is an origin server. 一个在客户端看来是原服务器(origin server)的代理服务器。
- The returned meta information in the entity-header is not the definitive set available from the origin server. 在实体头中返回的信息不是从源服务器可用的最终集。
- If no matching response can be found, the request is forwarded to the requested origin server. 如果没找到匹配请求,则将请求转发到所请求的原始服务器。
- This is useful to hide the real origin server from the client for security reasons, or to load balance. 出于安全方面的考虑,或者为了均衡负载,借此对客户端隐藏原服务器。
- Age The age of a response is the time since it was sent by, or successfully validated with, the origin server. 响应的年龄是指它被原始服务器发送或成功验证以来的时间。
- Only by an explicit protocol-level request when relaxed by client or origin server. 仅仅当在协议层面上有明确要求时,由原源务器或者客户机实现。
- If you disable stream splitting, each client request for content will result in a connection to the origin server. 如果禁用流拆分,每个请求内容的客户机都需要与源服务器建立连接。
- This request could not be forwarded to the origin server or to any parent caches. 这一个请求无法被转寄到起源伺候器或任何的父母隐藏所。
- It accepts requests from clients, transmits those requests on to the origin server, and then returns the response from the origin server to the client. 它接收来自客户端的请求,传输到原服务器,并把原服务器的响应返回给客户端。
- Enables a downstream cache/proxy server to split the stream so that all clients requesting content can receive the stream, yet only require one stream from the origin server. 允许下一级缓存/代理服务器拆分流,这样,只需要来自源服务器的一个流,所有请求内容的客户机就都可以接收到该流。
- Enables a downstream cache/proxy server to cache content. If you disable distribution caching, each client that requests content will result in a connection to the origin server. 允许下一级缓存/代理服务器缓存内容。如果禁用分发缓存,每个请求内容的客户机都需要与源服务器建立连接。
- Enables a downstream cache/proxy server to cache content. If you disable caching, each client that requests content will result in a connection to the origin server. 允许下一级缓存/代理服务器缓存内容。如果禁用缓存,每个请求内容的客户机都需要与源服务器建立连接。
- If several clients request the same content, the proxy can deliver that content from its cache, rather than requesting it from the origin server each time, thereby reducing response time. 如果几个客户端请求的内容相同,代理可以从其缓存中取出此内容,而不是每次都从原服务器读取,从而缩短了响应时间。
- The remote server processes the request and returns any results to the original server. 远程服务器处理请求,并将所有结果返回到原始的服务器。
- When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server. 当该代理服务器接收到响应时,它将结果发送回客户端,如同它是初始服务器一样。
- Consequently, a peer recovery process must not run and access the associated recovery logs if the original server is still running. 因此,如果初始服务器仍在运行时,则不能运行对等恢复处理以及访问相关的恢复日志。
- The deployment manifest and the assemblies have been moved to a new server because the original server is being taken out of service. 由于原始服务器不再提供服务,部署清单和程序集已移至新的服务器中。
- This allows you to mount the dial tone database on the original server in the recovery storage group created for the original MDB2 database. 这样,您就可以在为原始MDB2数据库创建的恢复存储组中的原始服务器上装入拨号音数据库。
- If users were moved to a dial tone database on another server, you then need to move the mailbox configuration back to the original server. 如果已将用户移动到另一台服务器上的拨号音数据库,则需要将邮箱配置移回原来的服务器。
- When you restore a Windows backup set to a server, you restore critical operating system files and registry information from the original server. 将Windows备份集还原到服务器时,需要还原来自原始服务器的关键操作系统文件和注册表信息。