- What was the origin of the quarrel? 这场争吵的起因是什么?
- Water is composed of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. 水是由氢元素和氧元素组成的。
- Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe. 科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。
- He was the discoverer of the element radium. 他是镭元素的发现者。
- It has nothing to say to the origin of the word. 这与该词的词源毫无关系。
- Sought to localize the origin of the rumor. 试图找到谣言开始的地方。
- Learn the elements of the learning process. 了解学习过程的原理。
- The origin of the universe is an ageless topic. 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。
- The name of the type of the elements of the array. 数组元素类型的名称。
- The exact origin of the word April is not known. april(四月)这个词的确切来源并不为人所知。
- Gets or sets the type of the elements in the array. 获取或设置数组元素的类型。
- The origin of the word remains obscure. 该词的来源尚不清楚。
- To have the elements of the identity matrix. 得到单位矩阵的元素。
- The origin of the tarot is a mystery. 塔罗牌的起源是一个迷。
- He walked on, quite careless of the elements. 他还是向前走,不在乎天气恶劣。
- Shaolinon one of the origin of Zen. 关于少林内劲一指禅的起源。
- Inverts the order of the elements in a sequence. 反转序列中元素的顺序。
- The type of the elements of the target array. 目标数组元素的类型。
- The new theory of the origin of the universe was pulled to pieces by many of the world leading astronomers. 关于宇宙起源的新理论被世界上很多著名的天文学家批得体无完肤。
- Cells are the elements of the human body. 细胞是人体的基本单位。