- organic compounds in meteorite 陨石中的有机质
- Research to the toxic volatile organic compounds in the air of a certain town. 某乡镇大气中毒害挥发性有机物的研究。
- The univalent organic radical,C5H11,occurring in many organic compounds in eight isomeric forms. 戊烷基单价有机基,C5H11,以八种异构形式出现在很多有机化合物中
- Study on mutagenicity of nonvolatile organic compounds in drinking water at certain area of Hong Kong. 香港某地饮用水中非挥发性有机物致突变性的研究。
- Any of a class of organic compounds in which two hydrocarbon groups are linked by an oxygen atom. 醚,乙醚一类有机化合物,它们以一个氧原子与两个包含在中的碳原子相连接为特征。
- The univalent organic radical, C5H11, occurring in many organic compounds in eight isomeric forms. 戊烷基单价有机基,C5H11,以八种异构形式出现在很多有机化合物中
- The gel improved the adsorption selectivity when the CTMBA-bentonites were used to adsorb organic compounds in water. 硅铝胶的存在增大了有机膨润土对水溶液中有机物的吸附选择性。
- Formaldehyde is the most abundant oxygenated volatile organic compounds in urban atmosphere. 甲醛是城市大气中浓度水平最高的含氧挥发性有机物。
- In addition, UV curable printing inks, and is non-volatile organic compounds in a UV effect before you can set curdle. 此边,紫边固化印不朱不含挥不收性有机物,在施紫边平功用而固结之后可保留固体状况。
- The comparison of PBM with INCOS was described in mass spectrometry for the organic compounds in ambient air.In ord... 本文介绍该方法作环境空气中有机物质谱分析及与综合控制系统资料的比较,并以美国标准局的标准参考数据库作比较。
- Computer simulations predicted that all organic compounds in an asteroid or comet of this size would be vaporized on impact. 以电脑模拟,这种大小的小行星或彗星一旦撞上地球,上面所有的有机物都会汽化。
- Amino acids are therefore unlike low molecular weight organic compounds in their properties, resembling inorganic salts, instead. 因此氨基酸与低分子量的有机物的性质不同,相反类似于无机物盐的特性。
- Sampling methods for volatile organic compounds in indoor air were introduced. The newest TO|17 method of U.S. EPA and SPME method invented by J. 介绍了近年来室内空气中挥发性有机物的各种采样方法及适用范围 ;其中重点介绍了美国环保署最新版的 TO - 17方法和 J.
- One theory about the existence of extraterrestrial life rests on the presence of carbon compounds in meteorites. 地球外存在生命的理论是根据陨星上存在碳化合物这一事实得出的。
- Because of contents for trace organic compounds in natural water are much fewer as NOM with fundamental on hums,ideal adsorption phenomena is exist. 考虑到天然水中实际存在的痕量有机物要比以腐殖质为主的天然有机物(NOM)的量小很多,有可能存在理想吸附现象。
- Semivolatile organic compounds in particulate phases of the combustion Products from domestic fuel gas were identified by GC/MS. 色/质联机法鉴定了民用燃气(天然气、液化石油气和煤气)燃烧产物中半挥发性有机物,其主要成分为烷烃类化合物。
- Merce A. and Joan O.G. (1993).Large and small particle size screening of organic compounds in urban air.Atmos.Environ. 27B, 251-263. 郭锦堂,(1992)"台中地区空气粉尘粒子中多环芳香烃化合物分析",第六届环境分析化学研讨会论文集。
- Catalytic converters reduce carbon monoxide,oxides of nitrogen,and volatile organic compounds in emissions and necessitated the use of lead-free fuel. 催化转炉减少了一氧化碳,氧化氮和挥发性有机混合物等的排放,而且无铅燃料的应用也当成为必要。
- Stefanie Schulz,Hermann H Hahn.Generation of Halogenated Organic Compounds in Municipal Wastewater[J].Water Science &Technology,1998,37(1):303-309. 作者简介:张丽萍(1974-),女,山东人,清华大学在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为再生废水的消毒。
- An organic compound in which the hydrogen of the hydroxyl group of methyl alcohol is replaced by a metal. 甲基化产物一种有机合成物,是甲醇的羟基中的氢被一种金属取代