- ordinary least square fitting 普通最小二乘拟合
- Algorithm gor least square fit curve. 最小二乘法拟合曲线的算法-
- Secondly, this thesis compares the hedging effectiveness of two hedge ratio estimating methods, the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and Error Correction Model (ECM). 第二,论文在理论上比较了最小二乘法(OLS)与误差修正模型(ECM)两种套期保值率估计方法下的套期保值效果。
- Kong Kim algorithm and the algorithm of iterative least square fitting based on the first order Taylor series expansion are good ones. 其中 Kong- Kim算法和基于一阶泰勒级数展开式的迭代最小二乘算法是两种非常优秀的算法 .
- In this paper, we introduce the Covent Ordinary Least Square (COLS) mathod, indicate its use in establishing the Frontier Production Function. The method is applied to analyse 27 iron and steel firms. 本文简单介绍了修正最小二乘估计(COLS)在建立前沿生产函数中的应用,并对27家重点钢铁企业进行了实证分析。
- Besides, least square fitting is employed in finite fringe moire deflectogram to eliminate declination error caused by inclination between two grating lines. 对有限宽莫尔条纹图因栅线夹角引起的倾斜项误差采用最小二乘法加以剔除。
- Andrew Fitzgibbon, Maurizio Pilu, and Robert B. Fisher, "Direct Least Square Fitting of Ellipses", IEEE PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 21, NO 5, MAY 1999. 陈章沂;"椭圆几何参数鑑别之理论模拟及实作";国立中央大学机械工程研究所硕士论文.
- And the least Square Fit is applied to calibrate a series of parameters automatically. 采用最小二乘拟合算法,通过计算机实现滤波器的自动校准。
- Coefficients of the polynomial are determined by the least square fitting, so its learning is simple and fast.The proposed method is more suitable for multiple contingencies. 多项式的系数用最小二乘法拟合确定,结果显示较一般方法学习简单,速度较快,更适合多个预想事故情况下共用。
- The ordinary Least Squares Estimate (LSE) in linear regression model is not robust for many cases. 摘要在线性回归模型中普通的最小二乘估计(LSE)许多情形下是不稳健的。
- Abstract: Converting a nonlinear problem to a linear one by m eans of the least square fit method,it is presented a nonlinear error modeling m ethod based on the measuring data. 摘 要: 利用最小二乘技术识别模型参数,将非线性问题作线性化处理,提出了一种基于测量数据反演非线性误差模型的建模方法。
- The sorts of components which have spins, such as DSO, SOP, SOJ, QFP and so on, are located by the method that incorporates the Hausdorff Distance Matching with the Least Square Fitting. 对于有管脚芯片,如DSO、SOP、SOJ、QFP等,提出Hausdorff距离匹配与最小二乘直线拟合相结合的定位方法。
- A few common periods in the series of residual latitude (O-C) of four stations in China have been found by means of maximum entropy power spectrum, periodogram and least square fit methods. 本文用我国四个台站的剩余纬度(O-C)序列,用最大熵功率谱、周期图和最小二乘拟合的方法找出了四个序列中共同的周期。
- multi-step least square fitting method 分步最小二乘
- OLS (ordinary least squares analysis) OLS
- Two different methods are reviewed and analyzed, these methods evaluated by using a least squares fitting method to fit the correlations to one s... 用阻尼非线性最小二乘拟合法结合实验数据,对诸方法进行了总体拟合效果评价和预测效果评价,推荐出目前最好的方法。
- At last, least squares fit is done between differential absorption cross section and differential absorption spectra to retrieve concentrations of polluted gases. 将差分吸收截面和差分吸收光谱做最小二乘法拟合,即可得出相应波段内的污染气体的浓度。
- Voltage instability predictor (VIP) based on PMU is a method for analyzing voltage stability using local measurements and it employs the least squares fitting method to track the Thevenin parameters. 基于同步相量测量装置(PMU)的电压失稳预测(VIP)指标是基于本地相量测量数据进行电压稳定性分析的方法,它利用最小二乘拟合技术来实时跟踪系统的戴维南等值参数。
- Keywords price of oil import;early-warning system;correlative analysis OLS(Ordinary Least Square);grey-forecasting theory; 石油进口价格;预警机制;相关性分析;普通最小二乘法;灰色预测;
- Weighting Least Squares Fitting method 加权最小二乘拟合法