- Orchid mycorrhizae has certain impacts on germination of orchid seeds and growth of orchid seedlings. 菌根真菌对兰科植物的种子萌发及植株生长发育均有一定影响。
- There are two modes for the formation of orchid mycorrhizae, one is the infection of orchid seeds and the other is the infection of orchid radicles. 兰科菌根的形成可分为两种情况:一是对兰科植物种子的侵染;二是对成长新根的侵染。
- She wore a single orchid on her evening dress. 她在晚礼服上缀着一朵兰花。
- Many kinds of wild orchid are becoming rare. 很多种野生兰越来越罕见了。
- orchid mycorrhiza 兰花菌根
- European orchid whose flowers resemble flies. 欧洲的一种兰花,花蝇状。
- The often enlarged petal of an orchid flower. 唇瓣通常增大了的兰花花瓣
- The smell of the orchid is pleasant. 兰花的香味很宜人。
- Semidouble-double pink/wide orchid speckled edge. 半重瓣到重瓣的粉红色花,宽的兰花色镶边。
- She wanted a particular kind of orchid. 她就想找到那个品种的兰花。
- Orchid Asia Group Management Co., Ltd. 兰馨亚洲投资集团。
- Appreciate the Korean Orchid - Cymbidium Kanran. 韩国寒兰与其它兰花欣赏。
- What is the true purpose of the Orchid Station? 站的真实作用到底是啥?
- C] tropical orchid with sweet-smelling flowers. 香子兰(热带兰科植物,花味香醇)。
- Ask:Have to be assign name to with the Orchid part? 问:有没有以兰花局部命名的?
- How did People discover the Hong Kong Orchid Tree? 选载1.;人们如何在香港发现洋紫荆?
- Trunks are used as medium for orchid cultivation. 茎干被用为栽培附生兰类的基质。
- Appreciate the Chinese Orchid - Cym. sinense). 墨兰的欣赏与鉴别。
- Another orchid is a little, pretty yellow one. 另一种兰花个儿很小,呈黄色,非常好看。
- Moonlight circulation, a spit of white orchid mind. 月光流转,一株兰吐出洁白的心思。