- oral sensory function 口腔感觉功能
- Both motor and sensory functions are affected. 运动神经和感觉功能都受到影响。
- Analgesic: Drug that relieves pain without Blocking nerve impulse conduction or markedly altering sensory function. 镇痛药: 可减轻疼痛而又不阻滞神经冲动的传导、不显著改变感觉器官功能的药物。
- Analgesic: Drug that relieves pain without blocking nerve impulse conduction or markedly altering sensory function. 镇痛药:可减轻疼痛而又不阻滞神经冲动的传导、不显著改变感觉器官功能的药物。
- The setae of the growth lines belong to annulate type without setules and probably played in sensory function. 分析了生长线刚毛的形态是属于长针形的轴刚毛, 主要司触角功能;
- Opioids may act through another mechanism to mediate the renal sensory function. 而类鸦片生理意义及调节的机制,均有待进一步的研究。
- Results Sensory function was well improved,but motorial function recovered only in some degree according to the location of nerve injury. 需手术修复软组织的8例患者同时进行了神经探查术,根据术后感染可能性大小进行了一期(2例)及二期(3例)神经修复,非手术治疗3例。
- Conclusion Sensory reeducation plays an important role in improving recovery of the sensory function following digital re-plantation. 结论对断指再植术后患者进行专门的感觉再教育训练,有助于再植手指感觉功能的恢复。
- Ukimura O,Ushijima S,Honjo H,et al.Neuroselecrive current perception threshold evaluationof bladder mucosal sensory function[J].European Urology,2004(45)70-76. 程伟;宋波;熊恩庆;等.;应用交感皮肤反应评价膀胱感觉功能[J]
- The thumb flexion and extension, sensory function were intact after the operation.Conclusion Combing the floating thumb with the deformity one by operation is the proper meth... 结论通过手术方法将外形基本正常但无功能的漂浮指与畸形但有功能的存留指合二为一,是矫正带漂浮指先天性复拇指畸形的一种有效途径。
- ObjectiveTo explore the effect of the lateral island flap with neurovascular pedicle of finger on reconstruction of the sensory function of thumb and forefinger pulp. 目的探讨指侧方神经血管蒂岛状皮瓣在拇、食指指腹感觉功能重建中的应用价值。
- Objective To stubby the relationship between gastric sensory function and early satiety in patients with functional byspepsia (FD). 目的了解功能性消化不良(functional dyspepsia,FD)患者的胃感觉功能与早饱症状的关系。
- The grade of hindlimb function was assayed with Jacobs method,and the kinetic, sensory function of spinal reflex was scored with Reuter method, and HE stained the spinal cord section to observe the formation changes of neural cells. 采用Jacobs法对兔后肢功能评级,Reuter法对脊髓感觉运动反射功能评分,并取脊髓组织切片行苏木精-伊红染色,观察神经细胞形态改变。
- One of the second pair of appendages near the mouth of a spider or other arachnid that are modified for various reproductive, predatory, or sensory functions. 须脚靠近蜘蛛或其他蜘蛛纲动物嘴部第二对附属器官的一个用于生殖、捕食或感觉的器官
- He will take an oral examination. 他将接受口试。
- The carriers of the ery rare genetic mutation are unable to perceie any form of pain but hae otherwise completely normal sensory functions. 这种罕见的突变基因的携带者无法感觉任何形式的痛觉,但是他们其他的感觉功能是完全正常的。
- My oral English is pretty rusty. 我的英语口语全荒废了。
- It keeps the normal sensory functions of the skin of upper medial arm and axilla and improves the life quality of the patients after operations. 结论乳腺癌腋淋巴结清扫术中保留肋间臂神经,可明显减少上臂内后侧感觉障碍的发生率,有利于改善病人术后的生活质量,具有一定的临床应用价值。
- One of the second pair of appendages near the mouth of a spider or other arachnid that are modified for various reproductive,predatory,or sensory functions. 须脚靠近蜘蛛或其他蜘蛛纲动物嘴部第二对附属器官的一个用于生殖、捕食或感觉的器官。
- Tongue twisters are used in our oral practice. 我们在口语练习中用饶口令。