- Gets or sets an optional argument expanding on exclusion criteria. 获取或设置扩展排除条件的可选参数。
- Optional argument which specifies what target to build in the subproject. 可选参数用来指定子项目将要构建什么目标。
- A well-formed named breakpoint string giving a function, optional argument list, and optional IL offset. 一个格式良好的命名断点字符串,它提供函数、可选参数列表以及可选IL偏移量。
- An optional argument allows you to delete only older e-mails by providing a date and time. 某个可选参数通过提供日期和时间,允许您仅删除较早的电子邮件。
- Property specifies an optional argument that is transferred in a postback event. 属性指定回发事件中传输的可选参数。
- Another optional argument allows you to delete only e-mails of a certain type, specified as the sent_status argument. 另一个可选参数允许您仅删除作为sent_status参数指定的特定类型的电子邮件。
- The second optional argument is set to "UTF-8" for proper encoding of the header. 这第二个可选参数设置为UTF-8为标题的正确编码。
- Although criteria is an optional argument, if you don't supply a value for criteria, the DLookup function returns a random value in the domain. 尽管criteria为可选参数,但如果不提供criteria值,DLookup函数将返回域中的随机值。
- In Visual Basic 6.0, the Line method is used to draw a rectangle by specifying the top left and lower coordinates, along with an optional argument B. 在Visual Basic 6.;0中;通过指定左上角和右下角坐标以及可选参数B;可使用Line方法来绘制矩形。
- Out parameter returning the number of arguments in the optional argument list. 输出参数,它返回可选参数列表中的参数数目。
- The format string can contain placeholders for the arguments in the optional argument list. 对于可选参数列表中的参数,格式字符串可以包含占位符。
- You can optionally specify another name for this element by specifying an optional argument to the RAW mode, as shown in this query. 通过向RAW模式指定一个可选参数,可以选择性地为该元素指定其他名称,如该查询中所示。
- For those of you using SIM cards without STK menus, the application has some optional arguments that will make the unlock much faster for you. 对那些SIM卡中不存在STK菜单的用户来说,这个软解程序提供了两个选择,并且可以使整个解锁程序运行过程加快。
- Optional arguments are those that can be skipped using a comma as a placeholder (when using positional arguments), or simply omitted (when using named arguments). 可选参数是(在使用定位参数时)可以用逗号作为占位符而跳过的参数,或(在使用命名参数时)可以直接忽略的参数。
- If you are using an event provider developed by a third party, the event provider should come with documentation on the required and optional arguments. 如果您是使用第三方开发的事件提供程序,则事件提供程序应附带有关必需参数和可选参数的文档。
- When you start a debugging session from the command line, you can also provide the name of the application you want to debug, program arguments, and optional arguments. 当从命令行启动调试会话时,还可以提供要调试的应用程序名、程序参数和可选参数。
- She handled a difficult argument skilfully. 她巧妙地应付了一场艰难的辩论。
- The argument woke old rivalries. 争论又激起了旧怨。
- The insurance cover is optional. 保险范围可以随意选择。
- The interruption fragmented his argument. 他的辩论因被打断而显得不完整。