- Check to see if the Option statement is prematurely terminated. 检查是否过早终止了Option语句。
- In Interactive SQL, you can specify an option in a SET OPTION statement. 对于Interactive SQL,您可以在SET OPTION语句中指定选项。
- Adding the TEMPORARY keyword to the SET OPTION statement changes the duration that the change takes effect. 将TEMPORARY关键字添加到SET OPTION语句中会改变更改生效的持续时间。
- When the SET TEMPORARY OPTION statement is not qualified with a user ID, the new option value is in effect only for the current connection. 如果SET TEMPORARY OPTION语句没有用用户ID限定,则新的选项值仅对当前连接生效。
- The only options you can set with the Option statement are Compare, Explicit, and Strict. 只能对Option语句设置Compare、Explicit和Strict等选项。
- When a new project is created, the specified option statements will be added to the project header in the Code Editor. 当创建新的项目时,指定的选项语句将添加到代码编辑器中的项目头。
- In confirmation hereof we attach a bank statement. 为作这方面的确认我们附上银行结单。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- I can boil down the facts to a short statement. 我可以把这些事实作简短的陈述。
- What proofs have you that the statement is correct? 你有什麽证据可以证明这种说法是正确的呢?
- We must ask you to amplify your statement. 我们得请你对你的说法作进一步的说明。
- He repeated her statement word for word. 他一字不差地重复她的话。
- Her statement contained several inaccuracies. 她的言词有几处不确切。
- You must do it; you have little option. 你必须做,你没有选择的余地。
- It is at your option to stay or leave. 去留随你的便。
- You must do it; you have no option. 你必须做,你没有选择的余地。
- I have nothing to add to my earlier statement. 我对我先前说的话,没有什么补充的。
- She has taken an option on that piece of land. 她已取得那块土地的购置权。
- Soon afterwards he made his first public statement about the affair. 不久以后,他第一次就这一事件发表了公开声明。
- The former option favours the married man. 前一种选择对已婚男子有利。