- We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort. 我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动。
- With a sudden output of effort he moved the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。
- The little girl pieced the story together after a lot of effort. 小女孩费了好大劲才拼凑出来那个故事。
- Trying to hit a humbug was a waste of effort. 想打一个欺骗兽就跟想跟他们说话一样是白费力气。
- A wrong approach means a waste of effort. 路子不对等于白费劲儿。
- Controlling oneself takes a lot of effort. 要控制自己很不容易。
- With a sudden output of effort he moves the rock. 他猛一使劲搬动了石头。
- Support optimization of inventory levels. 支持优化库存水平。
- Learning any language takes a lot of effort. 学习任何语言都需要花费很多努力。
- Optimization of value of Aerodrome Forecasts. 机场预报值优化。
- He passed the exams with the minimum of effort. 他没费什么劲就通过了考试。
- Culture Condition Optimization of Chlorella sp. 无菌条件下的小球藻培养条件优化。
- Our years of effort has finally borne fruit now. 我们多年的努力现在终于开花结果了。
- Optimization of costs and resources. 成本和资源的优化。
- Every drop of effort brings a gush of rewards. 一点点的努力都会带来巨大的回报。
- He put a lot of effort into arranging the concert. 他为音乐会的筹备工作付出很大力气。
- This method can save a lot of effort. 用这个方法进行计算可以偷巧。
- "Returf the grass is a waste of effort and money. " - 重新种上草皮既费力又耗钱,有关当局应该在秃草地上铺上石板。
- He hawks with a megaphone, saving a lot of effort. 他用喇叭筒叫卖,省劲多了!