- I only had one spare optical drive: an Asus DRW-1814BL. 我只有一个备件光盘驱动器:一,华硕drw - 1814bl 。
- They found that the optical drive's riser also included a FireWire bus. 他们发现光碟机的竖板也包含有 FireWire 汇流排。
- There is a small door at the rear part, which can expose optical drive, floppy disk drive; ATX switch and audio switch. 后开小门,打开后可露出光驱,ATX开关及音响调节开关。
- To take full advantage of SecurDisc's features, you need a SecurDisc enabled optical drive. 要使用SecurDisc的全部功能,您需要一台能够支持SecurDisc的光驱。
- With 3 simple downloads, you can experience the best in optical drive protection. 只需3次简单下载,您就可以获得最佳的光驱保护体验。
- If your computer has an optical drive with a tray, use the Eject key to open or close the tray. 如果您的电脑的光盘驱动器带有托盘,请使用弹出键来打开或关闭托盘。
- Both devices feature an AMD x86 1600MHz processor, 128MB RAM, 40GB hard disk, 15-inch color monitor, 52x optical drive, keyboard, and scroll mouse. 这两款产品都包含AMD x86 1600 MHz处理器、128 MB RAM、40 GB硬盘、15寸彩色监视器、52x光盘驱动器、键盘和滚轮鼠标。
- If you have a Mac Pro computer, you can press Option-Eject to open or close the tray of an optional second optical drive. 如果您使用的是Mac Pro电脑,则可以按下Option-Eject以打开或关闭选购的备用光盘驱动器的托盘。
- The palm rest area stays relatively cool as well even when the HDD or Optical drive is engaged for extended periods of time. 即使是硬盘和光驱都全速运转一段时间,在手掌附近的区域相对来说也比较凉。如果有一点点热,同样的,也绝不会觉得不舒服。
- His optic nerve was hurt in an accident. 他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤。
- It was not published which types of optical drives will be used in the 1420. 据没有公布哪些类型的光碟机将用于在1420。
- To disable automatic ejection, and be aware that you may need to ensure that the system does not automatically boot from the optical drive after the initial installation. 可以禁止自动弹出,但要小心确保系统在安装完后,不会自动从光盘引导。
- The optic theory originated with Einstein. 光学理论是爱因斯坦首创的。
- I've never seen a car being driven so recklessly. 我从没见过有人开车这么卤莽。
- How can I drive away these feelings of sadness? 我该怎样做才能驱散忧伤?
- Bill wave his hand to us and then drive away. 比尔向我们挥手告别后开车走了。
- The engines are driven by steam. 这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。
- The machines are driven by electric motors. 这些机器都是由电动机驱动的。
- Whether to display drives and mountable volumes from internal hard drives (non-SCSI optical drives are always shown). 是否显示硬盘(非SCSI光驱总是显示)的驱动器和可挂载卷。
- He was driven crazy by the extremity of pain. 极度的痛苦使他发狂。