- optically active material 光学活性材料
- optically activ material 旋光材料
- Racemization is found with optically active substrate substrates. 发现旋光基质有外消旋作用。
- Conversion of an optically active substance to a racemic form. 外消旋转化将光学活性物质转化为外消旋形式
- We optimize the signal gain of the optically active crystal and apply the results to a BSO and BTO crystal. 对旋光材料优化增益;并把处理结果应用于BSO和BTO晶体.
- Showing no optical activity in polarized light. 无旋光的极化光下无光学反应的
- The active material is a sub-micron thin-glass film with an immobilized fluorescent ruthenium organic complex. 活跃材料为亚微细粒的玻璃膜与固定荧光钌有机联合体。
- Optically active cyanohydrins are important intermediates lor the synthesis of agricultural chemicals. 光学活性氰醇是合成大量医药、农药产品的重要中间体。
- Recent progresses of the synthesis of optically active tert-leucine are reviewed in this paper. 本文综述了近年来光学活性的叔亮氨酸的合成研究及最新进展。
- POLARIMETER - 10 units-Fully automatic polarimeter for measuring the rotation of optically active samples. 沈阳凯西贸易公司采购旋光仪;具体标准如下: .
- The formed active material in the stamped grids becoming loose in the grid openings and the battery failed. 冲孔板栅形成后的活性物质在板栅的孔中变得松散,因而使蓄电池失效。
- Chiral synthesis can be achieved by taking advantage of natural or synthetic optically active compounds. 在手性合成中利用了天然或合成的光学活性化合物。
- New process of plate production are applied to improve the utilization of active material. 新型极板制造工艺,活性物质利用率高。
- The formation of enantiopure optically active biomolecules is an important chapter in the history of evolution. 光学活性生物分子的形成是世界进化历史中一个重要过程。
- The optically active polymers obtained were soluble in DMF and DMSO under appropriate reaction condition. 产物可溶于DMF与DMSO中,具有旋光性。
- The broad fluorescence spectrum of the organic dyes suggests a broad tunability range for lasers using them as the active material. 有机染料具有宽荧光光谱使人们想到,若用它们作为激光介质,则激光器就会有宽的调谱范围。
- Can cause a head when selenium is lacked vasomotor, plaque agglutinate and plaque active material are released, promote the happening of hemal disease. 当硒缺乏时可引起脑血管收缩,血小板凝集和血小板活性物质释放,促进血管病的发生。
- Optically active 3,4-diazaphospholane ligands and their application in asymmetric hydroformylation and allylic alkylation reactions. 旋光活性3,4-二甲基磷酸配体及其在不对称羟基化和烯丙基烃化反应中的应用。
- Softening of positive active material and water loss during cycling life of electric bicycle battery is topmost causation of battery failure. 在电动自行车铅酸蓄电池寿命循环过程中,正极活性物质软化和失水是蓄电池寿命失效的主要原因。
- Asymmetric transformation becomes a more and more important branch in the preparation of optically active chemical compounds. 不对称转换是光学活性化合物制备中越来越重要的一个分支。