- Wuhan Optical Valley for their "quit" paid a heavy price. 武汉光谷为自己的“退出”付出了沉重的代价。
- The famous Optic Valley of China is a high-tech industrycenter of Wuhan . 著名的中国光谷是武汉高技术工业中心。-------[光年网原创
- Wuhan Optical Valley and is announced today as it did not withdraw from more than ironclad on. 而武汉光谷更是宣布今日如不改判就铁定退出中超。
- Optical Valley club in the Football Association for players up to say that anger, and even to court. 光谷俱乐部对于足协在球员去向上的说法表示愤怒,甚至表示要对簿公堂。
- Wuhan Optical Valley Club, an official admitted: the team is still in normal training, to Changsha and Xiangtan Tao game is indeed possible. 武汉光谷俱乐部一位负责人也承认:目前球队仍然在正常训练,去长沙与湘涛比赛确实有可能。
- Sino-US joint venture-HengXiang MEMS Co.,Ltd. Was established in July 2004.It locates at the Optical valley, National High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei Province. 中美合资武汉恒翔微机电有限公司成立于2004年7月,公司坐落于湖北省武汉市东湖国家高新技术开发区光谷。
- Right after the Mid-Autumn Festival, bogged down in the relegation circle Wuhan Optical Valley soldiers will be at the training base Jiangxia Qu started training. 中秋节刚过,深陷保级圈的武汉光谷将士们便在位于江夏区的训练基地展开了训练。
- AP in the current Super League, the most fire from the club is not just the Wuhan Optical Valley, nor is it Masamori thunder of Shandong Luneng, but Beijing. 搜狐体育讯在目前的中超联赛中,最火的俱乐部不是刚刚退出的武汉光谷,也不是风头正盛的山东鲁能,而是北京国安。
- Chinese Football Association Vice-President Nan Yong said that Wuhan Optical Valley players will be the end of this year are all free, if they see other clubs can transfer free of charge. 中国足协副主席南勇曾表示,武汉光谷球员将在今年年底全部成为自由身,他们如果被其他俱乐部看中可以免费转会。
- Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Developnent Zone. an integration of scientificimportant optical and electronic inanely base the Optics Valley of China(OVC). 武汉东湖新技术开发区成为集科、工、贸于一体,具有产、学、居功能的光电子技术产业基地一一“中国光谷”。
- Today, Zhongtai is a star in Optics Valley that integrates high technology industry and normalization management. 凌绝泰山,一览众小;无限风光,尽收众泰。
- The adjustment of the global optoelectronics industry, the market structure to "reshuffle", which started relatively late in China Optical Valley, is a severe challenge, is a rare opportunity. 全球光电子产业的调整,市场格局重新“洗牌”,这对起步较晚的中国光谷来说,是一场严峻的挑战,更是难得的机遇。
- Wuhan Optical Valley Software Park 武汉光谷软件园
- Proposals on Knowledge Management of Optical Valley Enterprises 武汉光谷企业实施知识管理的对策研究
- His optic nerve was hurt in an accident. 他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤。
- Setting Up Information Resource System of the Optical Valley in Wuhan China 关于建立武汉·中国光谷信息资源保障体系的构想
- Microscopes and telescopes are optical instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。
- The optic theory originated with Einstein. 光学理论是爱因斯坦首创的。
- A mirage is an optical illusion. 海市蜃楼是一种视错觉。
- A system of optical components that magnifies. 能起放大作用的一组光学元件