- SDH is carried over fiber optic networks. SDH通过光纤网络携带。
- They facilitate simple, flexible and economical conversion to the future-proof fibre optic network. 他们简单、方便、灵活,并且转换到有未来保证的光纤网络很经济。
- This paper described studying of ONT (Optic Network Terminal) in the APON system. 本论文主要是研究APON系统中光网络终端设计研制的实现方案与关键技术。
- At present, a large amount of optic network equipment is put in the same room of the service provider of the telecommunications. 目前,大量的光网络设备被放置于电信服务提供商的同一机房里。
- Schemes for metro optical network construction are discussed in combination with ASON equipment of Alcatel Shanghai Bell company. 结合上海贝尔阿尔卡特公司自动交换光网络设备,对城域光网络建设的一些策略问题作了探讨。
- Recently, people are doing wide studies on Asynchronism Transfer Mode (ATM) and Passive Optical Network (PON). 近年来,人们对异步转移模式(ATM)和无源光网络(PON)进行了广泛研究。
- The integration of photonic device becomes more and more important due to the fast developing optical network. 光网络的飞速发展,对光信息处理器件的要求越来越高,光子器件的集成变得越来越迫切。
- The OWns is a ns based optical WDM network simulation tool,which is widely-used in optical network research field. OWns是基于ns的WDM光网络仿真软件,被人们广泛用于光网络的研究。
- E-NNI connect setup signaling control protocol is important to implement interoperable optical network. E-NNI连接建立的信令控制协议是自动交换光网络中域间网络互联互通的关键协议之一。
- It is very important that Optical Network Terminal (ONT) is implemented in systhesis service access of EPON. 本课题主要是光网络终端设备的硬件和软件的设计,实现宽带数据、电话和电视的综合接入,使各业务信号的性能指标符合国际国内标准要求。
- Abstract: The influences of ATM based passive optical network (APON) on the cell delay are investigated. 摘 要: 研究了基于ATM的无源光网络(APON)对信元时延造成的影响。
- Implemental method of the rearrangeable nonblocking perfect shuffle optical network[J]. 引用该论文 杨俊波;苏显渝;徐平.
- ION represents the development trend of future optical network and control plane is the core of ION implementation. 智能光网络是未来光网络的发展方向,控制平面是实现智能光网络的核心。
- This paper puts forward a Linear Optical Network Protocol(LONP) based on Metropolitan Area Network(MAN) protocol DQDB. 在城域网协议DQDB的基础上提出线型光网络协议LONP,组网方式是该协议中的重要一环。
- Key words: Ethernet-based Passive Optical Network (EPON); Fiber to the X (FTTx); network; application. 关键词:基于以太网技术的无源光网络;光纤宽带;组网;应用
- All these provide the theoreticalfoundation for the design of OXC nodes and the optical network. 从而为OXC节点和网络设计提供了理论分析和指导依据。
- An Ethernet passive optical network (EPON) is a point-to-multipoint network and there are threats to EPON security. 基于以太网的无源光网络(EPON)是一个点到多点的系统,面临着很多安全隐患。
- Hacking into an optical network like this is the modern equivalent of a wire tap. 在现代,盗入一个光纤网络就象撬开一段金属头一样简单。
- Wavelength band switching (WBS) is a novel technique in optical networks. 摘要:波段交换(WBS)是光纤网路上一个新提出来的技术。
- Another major topic of this laboratory is a study of passive optical network (PON). 另一项实验室的研究以被动光网路为主。