- opt against running amok 大开杀戒
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- Rioters running amuck in the streets. 暴徒杀气腾腾地跑在街道上
- He's running amok through the American car market. 他在美国汽车市场上横冲直撞。
- The humour of the gods had run amok. 神的玩笑开得太过火了。
- Lately they've been running amok. 爱好和平的信仰本来无可厚非,
- The insane man was sent to an asylum so that he would not run amuck. 疯子被送进了疯人院,以防他四处发狂伤人。
- We have nothing against running! 我们没有反对跑步!
- We have nothing against running. 我们毫无理由反对跑步。
- The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours. 老虎逃出了动物园,张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时。
- The tiger escape from the zoo and run amok for hours. 老虎逃出了动物园,张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时。
- Being parents, you should educate your son not to run amuck. 作为父母,你们应该教育儿子不要胡作非为。
- As the knife-wielding madman was running amok in the kindergarten. 处于危险当中。
- Yeeess! -This is political correctness running amok. 是的!这是政治正确变得很疯狂。
- Though my stomach-ache is still running amok,yet I haven't died. 虽然胃还疼着;但是没有死.;用英语怎么翻译?
- The women watched helplessly as he ran amok. 出刀之快,砍杀之狠,实是罕见。
- She saw that he resented her shrinking;but it seemed to excite him to run amuck the more. 她知道自己的退缩使他气恼,结果仿佛使他更加狂暴起来。
- The scoundrels who ran amuck will be severely punished. 横行无忌的歹徒将受到严惩。
- Rioters were running amuck and throwing sticks and bottles and stones. 聚众闹事者疯狂地奔跑、扔棍子、瓶子和石头。
- Some local restaurant owners say the bill is a sign of big goernment run amok. 一些当地餐厅的老板说这项法案是政府管理太宽的一项表现。