- He led the workers in fighting against oppression and exploitation. 他领导工人进行了反对压迫和剥削的斗争。
- Does surrogacy causes a kind of interclass oppress and exploitation? 代孕会不会造成一种阶级压迫、剥削?
- The nobles had oppressed and exploited their serfs. 贵族压迫剥削农奴。
- In the old society the laboring people suffered oppression and exploitation, getting along like beasts of burden. 在旧社会,劳动人民受压迫受剥削,过着牛马一样的生活。
- In the old society,the laboring people suffered oppression and exploitation,getting along like beasts of burden. 在旧社会,劳动人民受压迫受剥削,过着牛马一样的生活。
- Having put up with oppression and exploitation for long years,the peasants at length rebelled. 忍受了多年的压迫和剥削,农民们终于造反了。
- And that was due entirely to oppression and exploitation by foreign imperialism and domestic reactionary governments. 这种落伍,完全是被外国帝国主义和本国反动政府所压迫和剥削的结果。
- Because it overthrew only the Ching Dynasty but did not overthrow imperialist and feudal oppression and exploitation. 是因为辛亥革命只推翻一个清朝政府,而没有推翻帝国主义和封建主义的压迫和剥削。
- Having put up with oppression and exploitation for long years, the peasants at length rebelled. 忍受了多年的压迫和剥削,农民们终于造反了。
- In places like Shanghai, the problem of unemployment, or of feeding the population, arose solely because of cruel, heartless oppression and exploitation by imperialism, feudalism, bureaucrat-capitalism and the reactionary Kuomintang government. 上海等处的失业问题即吃饭问题,完全是帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义和国民党反动政府的残酷无情的压迫和剥削的结果。
- Before the transformation of theworld economies in the 18th century,"land right to the tiller"had been the living foundation of peasants of Bavaria,but thecause for the oppression and exploitation to the peasants of Shandong. 在18世纪世界经济转型以前,在整体上,“耕者有其权”是巴伐里亚农民的生存依据,但却是山东农民遭受压迫和剥削的原因。
- Each time the Chinese people overthrew a feudal dynasty it was because of the oppression and exploitation of the people by that feudal dynasty, and not because of any over-population. 中国人民历次推翻自己的封建朝廷,是因为这些封建朝廷压迫和剥削人民,而不是什么人口过剩。
- What is the use of peace, if the war criminals and the classes to which they belong cannot preserve their freedom to oppress and exploit and cannot maintain their standard of lordly, luxurious, loose and idle living? 倘若战犯们及其阶级不能维持其实行压迫剥削的自由和骄奢淫逸的生活水准,和平有什么用呢?
- society free of oppression and exploitation 没在压迫和剥削的社会
- They were aggrieved by oppression and extortion. 他们遭受压迫与榨取的痛苦。
- Oppression and exploitation provoked people to rebellion 压迫和剥削激起人们的反抗。
- Find a weak spot and exploit it. 找出薄弱环节和垦荒。
- Cultivation and Exploitation of Pueraria sp. 葛的栽培与开发利用。
- And Western meddling and exploitation. 西方强权的干预及剥削利用而展开。
- The Nazi regime represents the apex of oppression and intimidation. 纳粹统治代表了压迫与恫吓的极点。