- opportunistic price hike 投机性涨价
- So far, AOL claims the price hike hasn't hurt it. 到目前为止,AOL宣称提价还没有造成伤害。
- The recent oil price hike even has an impact on cabbies. 最近的一次油价上涨甚至对白菜的价格造成了影响。
- The price hike brings the price of Marlboros to 7 Turkish Liras from 5 liras. 提价使万宝路的价格从5土耳其里拉增加到7里拉。
- A price hike. 物价猛涨
- Steelmakers'shares fell sharply Tuesday on expectations of the iron ore price hike. 周二,受铁矿石价格上涨的预期,这些钢铁生产商的股票急速下迭
- As long as the fuel price hike in oil, ink, postage and paper shipping charges will follow up. 只要燃料一涨价,油墨中的石油组分、邮费和纸张的运输费用也都将跟着上涨。
- This is the second price hike announced by China's largest potash producer within two months. 上升的产品成本和碳酸钾谈判的不确定,推动上两周国内肥料价格的上涨。
- Despite the price hike, the government will have to spend 100 billion taka ($1.45 billion) on fuel subsidies. 尽管涨了价,政府将不得不花费1000亿塔卡(14.;5亿美元)用于燃料补贴。
- The current price hike only to the Nigerian President Obasanjo before stepping down in a few hours. 此次提价仅发生在尼日利亚总统奥巴桑乔下台前的数小时内。
- A household that usue an average of 20 cubi metres of gas per month will pay only 3 yuan more afer the price hike. 我的翻译是:一户一个月一般用20立方米的煤气仅付3元,而以后会更高.
- Other leading chateaus saw comparable price hikes. 其他领导堡看到类似的价格上涨。
- Publishers say the price hike is necessary because of rising production and providing free supplementary teaching aides. 出版商表示,加价主要由于成本上升,和提供补充教材。
- The price hike request i propose is based on the cost of raw materials, calculated out in accordance with the euro and the renminbi 1:10.65. 关键字:我提出的涨价要求,是基于我所购进的原料成本,按照欧元和人民币1:10.;65这个基础测算出来。如何翻译呢?
- I've noticed that most people are aware that the gas price hike is PetroChina and Sinopec's hanky-panky, but do they know the key points? 我观察大家对油价上涨虽然知道是中石油/中石化捣鬼,但是不知道要点!
- While the price hike is significant, the market for prebiotic ingredients is buoyant as gut health and immunity health benefits attract the interest of more food makers. 虽然这次的价格涨幅打, 但市场对于益生菌类产品对于肠道健康及免疫系统的益处旺盛需求,仍然会吸引更多的食品生产参加参与该市场。
- New price hikes hit Los Angeles supermarketing housewives. 物价一涨再涨,苦了上超市购物的洛杉矶的家庭主妇们。
- The general public is getting angry at the price hikes. 民众逐渐对价格上涨感到愤怒。
- The NDRC put an end to tradition train ticket prices hike during the Spring Festival for the first time in 2007. 国家发展改革委员会2007年首次结束了春节期间票价上涨的惯例。
- Yes,we know. Because of the price hike in raw materials,we were forced to adjust our prices accordingly. 是的,我们知道。但由于原材料涨价,我们不得不相应调整产品的价格。