- opiate drug addict 阿片类药物依赖者
- The drug addict was snorting cocaine every night. 这个瘾君子每天晚上都用鼻吸食可卡因。
- A former drug addict who has come a long way. 一位过去很长一段时间吸毒的瘾君子
- A drug addict too far-gone for rehabilitation. 无药可救的嗜毒者
- He confessed to being a drug addict. 他承认自己有毒瘾。
- He deviated from society by becoming a drug addict. 他成为一名吸毒者,从而违背了社会道德准则。
- The drug addict drove him to the path to crime. 他吸毒成瘾使他走上了犯罪的道路。
- Someone could be a pedophile or a drug addict. 搞不好有的人是恋童癖者或者瘾君子。
- Drug addict Tanya, 28, cooks pervitin at home. 05:28岁的坦尼雅,在厨房处理脱氧麻黄碱。
- Dr. Townsend was a drug addict . 汤森特医生是个嗜药成癖的瘾君子。
- Adela, a drug addict, seemed bent on self-destruction. 阿德拉是个瘾君子,他好像执意要自我毁灭似的。
- These natural painkillers may act somewhat like an opiate drug, drawing the mother again and again to contact with her pups. 这种天然止痛剂可能产生类似鸦片类药物的作用,促使母鼠一再与幼鼠接触。
- Drug addiction is a dangerous canker in society. 吸毒成瘾是腐蚀社会的一大祸害。
- He is a drug addict, hooked on a mix of cocaine and meperidine. 是一个被古柯碱和呱替啶混合剂控制的毒瘾患者。
- The adimral was afflicted with a drug addict for his son. 那位海军上将因儿子染上毒瘾而十分苦恼。
- During 1997, 169.5 kilograms of opiate drugs, comprising opium and No.4 heroin, were seized, compared with 309.1 kilograms in 1996. 在一九九七年,本港检获鸦片及四号海洛英等鸦片类毒品共169.;5公斤,而在一九九六年则为309
- I have lived a kind of hell when I was a drug addict. 在我是一名瘾君子的时候,我简直就像生活在地狱里一般。
- During 1997,169.5 kilograms of opiate drugs,comprising opium and No.4 heroin,were seized,compared with 309.1 kilograms in 1996. 在一九九七年,本港检获鸦片及四号海洛英等鸦片类毒品共169.;5公斤,而在一九九六年则为309
- Tom is a drug addict, but the family never air its dirty linen in public. 汤姆吸毒成瘾,但他全家人对此守口如瓶。
- Nana: How to do it? Those dark circles make me look like a drug addict. 该怎做呢?这黑眼圈让我看起来像个吸毒的!