- To correct this condition, confirm that the correct operation signature was conformed. 若要纠正此问题,请确认符合WDSL文件的操作签名是否适当。
- The value of the parameter names in the operation signature are part of the contract and are case-sensitive. 操作签名中的参数名称值是协定的一部分且区分大小写。
- He traced his signature laboriously. 他吃力地签上自己的名字。
- This document bore his signature. 这份文件上有他的签名。
- He faked his father's signature. 他伪造父亲的签字。
- Donald be forced to forge a signature. 唐纳德被迫伪造签字。
- He added his signature (to the petition). 他(在请愿书上)签上了自己的名字。
- A will needs the signature of the testator and two witness. 一份遗嘱需要立遗嘱人和两个证人的签字。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- That store operator ripped me off. 那个商店的营业员把我骗了。
- Her signature was an illegible scrawl. 她的签字潦草难辩。
- His signature was an illegible scrawl. 他的签名潦草难以辨认。
- He used an inked thumbprint in lieu of signature. 他用按手印替代签字。
- He affixed his signature to the document. 他在那份文件上签了名。
- He faked my signature to get money from my bank. 他冒充我的签字从我的银行里取钱。
- The operator told the caller that the line is busy. 接线生告诉打电话的人对方电话占线。
- Ring the operator and ask for Freefone 8921. 接通接线生,然後要免费通话8921号。
- The intricate machine requires a skilled operator. 这种复杂精细的机器须由技能熟练的人操作。
- Each Web service class file contains the operation signatures for the corresponding Web service provider endpoint. 每个Web服务类文件中都包含对应Web服务提供者终结点的操作签名。
- Be careful with him -- he's a cute operator. 对他你得留神,他是个精明圆滑的家夥。