- operator precedence relation [计] 算符优先关系
- You can override normal operator precedence by using parentheses. 相乘,您可以通过使用括号来重写常规运算符优先级。
- This topic is reviewed in detail in Appendix A, "Operator Precedence. 这个主题详细请参照附录A"运算符优先级".
- If (X,a) is a pair of symbols of any context free grammar, then there is at most one generalized precedence relation between X aad a. 在分析速度和占用内存方面,广义优先文法与弱优先文法相似,但前者包含的文法类更广。
- MFCCALC does not interpret parentheses and does not implement operator precedence. MFCCALC不解释括号也不实现运算符优先级。
- If( X, a) is a pair of symbols of any context free grammar, then there is at most one generalized precedence relation between X aad a. 指出基因表达式编程和仅含有单个非终结符的上下文无关文法在描述能力上是等价的。
- By enclosing an expression in parentheses, you force that expression to be evaluated first, regardless of operator precedence. 通过将表达式放在括号中,将强制首先计算该表达式,而不管运算符优先级如何。
- operator precedence grammar relation 算符优先文法关系
- Thus, a method with intercrossed concurrent and increasingly iterative perfection for the description of precedence relation in the dynamic CAD design has been worked out. 由此,建立了与动态CAD设计交叉并行、逐步完善的工艺优先关系描述方法。
- This chapter concludes the study of fundamental features that appear in most programming languages: calculation,operator precedence,type casting,and selection and iteration. 本章总结了大多数程序设计语言都具有的基本特性: 计算、运算符优先顺序、类型转换以及选择和循环等等。
- You also use parentheses for putting variables or arguments into logical groups, especially to override the default order of operator precedence in a complex expression. 括号还可用来为变量或参数进行逻辑分组,特别是用来重写复杂表示式中运算符的默认优先顺序。
- This paper introduces the javascript interpreter designed and implemented by ourselves and presents an ex-tended object-based operator precedence algorithm. 论文介绍了作者自行设计并实现的JavaScript语言解释器,提出并实现了一种扩展的、基于对象的算符优先算法。
- This chapter concludes the study of fundamental features that appear in most programming languages: calculation, operator precedence, type casting, and selection and iteration. 本章总结了大多数程序设计语言都具有的基本特性:计算、运算符优先顺序、类型转换以及选择和循环等等。
- Operator precedence defines how an expression evaluates when several operators are present. 运算符的优先级决定了存在多个运算符时一个表达式各部分的计算顺序。
- Often you want operations to proceed in a different order from that determined by operator precedence. 经常需要以不同于运算符优先级所确定的顺序来执行运算。
- Operators in an expression are evaluated in a specific order known as operator precedence. 表达式中的运算符按照称为运算符优先级的特定顺序计算。
- This section describes the operators the expression language provides and the operator precedence and associativity that the expression evaluator uses. 本部分介绍了表达式语言提供的运算符和表达式计算器使用的运算符优先级及结合性。
- Skewness Preference, Risk Aversion, and the Precedence Relations on Stochastic Changes By: Chiu, W. Henry. 偏态偏好、风险规避与随机变化优先关系。
- Upon hearing me complain about the complexity of remembering operator precedence during one of my seminars, a student suggested a mnemonic that is simultaneously a commentary: "Ulcer Addicts Really Like C A lot. 在我举办的一次培训班中,有人抱怨运算符的优先顺序太难记了。 一名学生推荐用一句话来帮助记忆:“Ulcer Addicts Really Like C A lot”,即“溃疡患者特别喜欢(维生素)C”。
- Provides a conceptual overview of operators used in JScript and links to topics that explain the proper syntax for each operator and the significance of operator precedence. 提供JScript中使用的运算符的概念性概述,并提供指向特定主题的链接,这些主题解释每个运算符的正确语法和运算符优先级的意义。