- Do you mean say we are met for a thunder storm? 你肯定我们会遇到一场雷雨?
- Clinical assessment of two operative means for aged patients with femoral neck fracture. 高龄股骨颈骨折手术方式的临床评价。
- I feel mean for not doing more for my son. 我对没为我儿子多做点事而感到惭愧。
- Defeat in this election would mean he was done for. 这场选举的失败意味着他政治生涯的结束。
- This paper discussed testing channels 、testing item and operation means about clinic analyzer. 对血气分析仪检测通道、检测项目及操作方法进行探讨。
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator. 不严格地说,一种数学或逻辑运算符。
- I have no conception of what you mean. 我想不出你的意思是什么。
- That store operator ripped me off. 那个商店的营业员把我骗了。
- Moreover, one of Zermelo's axioms invoked a concept, that of a "definite" property, whose operational meaning was not clear. 此外,Zermelo的一个公理涉及“明确性”性质的概念,它的操作性意义是有歧义的。
- The mean yearly rainfall is20 inches. 每年平均降雨量是二十英寸。
- That is why the operational means, Early hedge funds can be said to be based on Hedging conservative investment strategy, the fund management form. 正因为如此的操作手段,早期的对冲基金可以说是一种基于避险保值的保守投资策略的基金管理形式。
- Operations meant to be atomic have likely been interrupted after partial completion, leaving application data in an unpredictable state. 被设计为原子操作的操作可能在完成一部分后中断了,从而使应用程序数据处在一种不可预知的状态。
- Do you mean Miss Anne Smith or Miss Mary Smith? 你指的是安·史密斯小姐还是玛丽·史密斯小姐?
- The operator told the caller that the line is busy. 接线生告诉打电话的人对方电话占线。
- I have no idea (as to) what you mean. 我一点儿也不明白你的意思。
- Ring the operator and ask for Freefone 8921. 接通接线生,然後要免费通话8921号。
- Do you mean to close with his offer? 你准备接受他开出的价钱吗?
- The intricate machine requires a skilled operator. 这种复杂精细的机器须由技能熟练的人操作。
- Showing a full operation means that plaintext would have to be encrypted to ciphertext using a private key and then decrypted back to plaintext using the corresponding public key. 完整的操作意味着必须使用私钥将纯文本加密成密码,然后使用对应的公钥将密码重新解密成纯文本。