- Can We Measure Operational Risk? 营运风险能够被衡量么?
- Ithas only been a few years to quantify operational risk and allocate capital. 对操作风险进行量化并尝试进行资本配置是近几年才出现的。
- Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk, Feb. 操作风险管理和监管的稳健做法。
- Solvency is restored; Losses are covered; and Major operational risks are addressed. 支付能力得到恢复。亏损得到弥补。重大经营风险得到化解。
- Operational risk refers to the risk of direct or indirect loss arising from failure or mistakes in internal operations, personnel or systems, or from external events. 作业风险系指:由于内部作业、人员及系统之不当或失误,或因外部事件所造成直接或间接损失之风险。
- Under such domestic context, companies must manage policy risk just as they manage financial and operational risks. 在这样的国内环境下,公司必须防范政策风险,就如金融和运营风险一样。
- The internal reasons are the inner control defects of the banks, operational risks, and the mismatched quality of the stuff. 内部原因主要是:银行内部控制缺陷,操作风险,银行队伍人员素质不高等。
- To control the operation risks of e-banking, it is nessary to perfect the appliance of technique such as Digital Signiture, Certificate Authority and so on. 为了解决电子银行的安全问题,完善对数字签名和CA认证等技术应用的同时,还必须建立完善的电子银行内控措施,从技术应用与人员管理两个角度防范操作风险。
- But the way of selling on credit indudes opportunity cost, administrative cost and wasted accounts cost, so it increases the operating risks of the erterprises. 但是,因赊销存在机会成本、管理成本和坏帐成本,增加了企业的经营风险。
- As will be underwritten loans, and thus aroused the project owners have become lower capital costs, passed on operating risks, squeezing out profits important ways and means. 由于垫资必用贷款,因而垫资已成为项目业主降低资金成本、转嫁经营风险、榨取施工企业利润的重要途径和手段。
- Operational risks are fewer, because exchanges have been early adopters of automated processing systems, whereas OTC systems are often outdated and time-consuming. 因为交易所较早采用了自动处理系统,而OTC系统往往陈旧、耗时,所以操作风险也会下降。
- Providing effective business decisions to meet objectives of the forecast, control and analysis tools, and enterprises can effectively control costs and operational risks. 能有效提供满足企业经营决策目标的预测、控制和分析手段,并能有效控制企业成本和经营风险。
- Fourthly, lack of familiarity with the overseas market environment may lead to various kinds of operational risk. 第四,对外地市场环境不熟悉而可能遇到各种营运风险。
- The field of operations has been staked out. 军事演习的区域已经划定。
- Real Estate: to circumvent the risk of inflation, using the time value of real estate value and profit; but it also faces investment risk, policy risk and operational risks. 房产:规避通货膨胀的风险,利用房产的时间价值和使用价值获利;但也需面临投资风险、政策风险和经营风险。
- The film about eye operations turned my stomach. 这部眼科手术的影片看得我恶心极了。
- Under the background it has weighty operation significance to study operational risk measurement of Chinese banking. 在此背景下本文研究中国的银行操作风险度量问题具有重要的现实意义。
- Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 现在激光可以用来做手术。
- He will go to help them at all risks. 他要冒一切危险去帮助他们。
- Conclusion Adopting the midget electro-saw in maxillary bone operation can reduce the operation risk and achieve ... 结论上颌骨手术采用微型电锯,手术风险降低,手术效果好,应用前景广阔。