- The temple will serve for an operating room. 那座庙将用来作为手术室。
- Please clear the gangway, thanks for your cooperation. 请别堵住通道,谢谢各位合作。
- Seeing him out of the plane and down the gangway gave me a lump in my throat. 看着他从飞机中出来,走下舷梯,我激动得哽咽起来。
- I am skilled in operating a computer. 我能够熟练操作计算机。
- He sat up on the operating table. 他在手术台上坐了起来。
- The company is operating outside the law. 公司未按法律规定运营。
- The patient was sent to the operating room. 这个病人被送进了手术室。
- Jews passed the store hand to hand up the gangway. 犹太人把货物传递到舷梯。
- A trademark for a microcomputer operating system. 微机系统管理一种微机操作系统的商标
- operating gangway 操作廊道
- This leaflet contains your operating instructions. 这份单页材料印有你应知道的操作说明。
- Walking along the narrow gangway of the theater, I saw a familiar face. 走在剧场里狭窄的过道上时我看到了一张熟悉的面孔。
- Police speed traps are operating on this motorway. 这条高速公路上有超速监测器。
- They advanced up the gangway and gained the deck. 他们经舷梯登上甲板。
- The patient died on the operating table. 病人死在手术台上了。
- The machine is not operating properly. 机器运转得不正常。
- Would you lower the gangway a little bitplease? 请把舷梯放下来一点好吗?
- The lift was not operating properly. 电梯有些失灵了。
- Nella stood at the end of the gangway. 内拉站在舷梯尽头。
- Wait a moment, please.The gangway is being lowered. 请稍等。正在放下舷梯。