- operating earning rate 营业资本收益率
- What is the earning rate the net assets? 净资产收益率是多少?
- operating earnings rate 经营资本利益率
- In the field of securities investment, earning rate, standard deviation, Sharpe index, Treynor index and Jensen index are five important indexes for assessing fund performance. 摘要在证券投资领域中,收益率、标准差、夏普指数、特雷诺指数和詹森指数是评价基金绩效的五个重要指标。
- China's national commercial banks are not so good in their core capital, asset scale, asset earning rate and asset sufficiency. 摘要无论从核心资本、资产规模、资产收益率、资本充足率各方面,国有商业银行的情况都不容乐观。
- In 1987, these seven business units had combined operating earnings before interest and taxes of $180 million. 1987年这七家公司的年度在扣除利息与所得税前的获利高达一亿八千万美元
- New York Life's Operating Earnings topped thep$1 billion mark for the firsti time in the Company's history. 纽约人寿营运盈馀在公司历史上首次创下10亿美元里程碑。
- On Tianjin Residents'Educational Earning Rate 天津市城镇居民教育收益率研究
- investment - earning rate difference 收益率差异
- That means that at least 4 percent of the growth at those companies came from share count reductions, not operating earnings. 这意味着至少有4%25的增长,这些公司来自股数减少,没有经营收入。
- In China, few investors possess the ability to comb through financial statements and distinguish a company's operating earnings from its stock plays. 在中国,很少有投资者具备读懂财务报表及从营业收入中辨别来自股票投资收益的能力。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- On June 1, 2000, the Government introduced a new fringe benefits package which includes revised leave earning rates, a new leave passage arrangement and non-accountable housing benefits for recruits. 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘员工制定一套新的附带福利条件,包括修订假期赚取率、就度假旅费福利作出新安排,以及提供非实报实销的房屋福利。
- As we indicated earlier, undistributed earnings in companies we do not control are now fully as important as the reported operating earnings detailed in the preceding table. 如同我们先前曾解释过的,不具控制权的股份投资其未分配盈余的重要性早已不下于前表所列公司帐面营业净利。
- As you know, our regular savings rate changes periodically in accordance with the interest earnings rate allowed for commercial banks. 您知道,我们的普通存款利率是按照商业银行所允许的利率调整的。
- He paid it back out of his earning. 他用挣的钱把它偿还了。
- On June 1,2000,the Government introduced a new fringe benefits package which includes revised leave earning rates,a new leave passage arrangement and non-accountable housing benefits for recruits. 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘员工制定一套新的附带福利条件,包括修订假期赚取率、就度假旅费福利作出新安排,以及提供非实报实销的房屋福利。
- How much money I earn is none of your concern. 我挣多少钱与你无关。
- I am going to teach until my son can earn money. 我教书要教到我儿子能够赚钱。