- Our model is easy to operate and maintain. 我们这个型号很容易操作和保养。
- Operation and maintaining easily, and less damageable component. (4) 由于泡沫在钻进中对孔壁与岩心扰动小,可以提高金刚石绳索取芯的岩心采取率;
- Electronic brake system applied, easy to operate and maintain. 刹车系统采用电子刹车,操作简单,极易维护。
- Operate and maintain the Coordinate Measuring Machine. 操作和维护三坐标测量机。
- Protocols that must be followed exist for operating and maintaining airplanes. 原则必须依循现有状况来操作维护飞机。
- The Airport Authority (AA) is responsible for providing,developing,operating and maintaining the new airport. 机管局负责提供、发展、营运和维持新机场。
- The Airport Authority (AA) is responsible for providing, developing, operating and maintaining the new airport. 机管局负责提供、发展、营运和维持新机
- Speakers will discuss topics on developing, operating and maintaining green hotels. 演讲者将讨论的主题开发,经营和维护绿色饭店。
- In order to avoid manually operating and maintaining failure cut tobacco feeding dolly overhead, the dollies were equipped with remote infrared control. 为了避免在空中对故障供丝小车进行手动操作和维修,利用红外遥控技术对供丝小车进行了遥控改造。
- Sets, operates and maintains flexographic printing machines. 调校,操作及保养柔性版印刷机。
- The track is owned, operated and maintained by freight railroad CSX Corp. 铁轨属货运铁路CSX公司所有,运营、维护也由该公司负责。
- Its maneuverability is strong and it is fit for cross-country driv-ing. It is simple to operate and maintain. 机动性强,越野性好,操作、维修简单。
- It uses the sealant continuously and works with high efficiency. It is easy to operate and maintain. 用胶连续稳定,生产效率高,使用维修方便。
- The control software compiled with Delphi has good man-machine interface and is easy to operate and maintain. 采用DELPHI语言编写了具有良好人机界面、易于操作和维护的控制软件。
- Set up, operate and maintain the data acquisition system for noise, vibration test requirement. 操作并维护数据采集设备以进行噪声和振动的测试。
- The installation of injection ma chine and operation and maintain are briefly dis cussed in this article. 本文着重介绍了盐水注射机的安装、安全使用及维护。
- To operate and maintain the machines and equipments correctly related to the position. 合理正确操作本岗位机器设备维护保养。
- Developing and maintaining customer contacts. 与现有客户保持沟通联络。
- And the two souls who assist Enoch, operate and maintain the keys, for now the keys have been found and the information unlocked. 而帮助伊诺克的二个灵魂,操作和保养钥匙,因为现在钥匙已经被发现而讯息开启。
- Ring the operator and ask for Freefone 8921. 接通接线生,然後要免费通话8921号。