- opening shock load 开伞冲击过载
- Hinge? designed to withstand the shock load of quick closing to insure longer life and continued shut-off. 铰链-能够承受迅速关闭而产生的冲击负载,确保使用寿命更长和连续关闭。
- This filter is more resistant to some types of shock loading. 这种滤池较能忍受某些冲击负荷。
- The two indexes in early trading today to run a pattern of low opening shock, 2800 Prev Close occupied multi-point year-on-year turnover is expected to shrink slightly. 今日早盘两市股指运行呈现低开震荡格局,多方据守沪指2800点,成交量同比预计小幅萎缩。
- Abstract In the paper the influence of measurement noise upon the precision of shock load i-dentification by frequency-domain method is analyzed. 本文分析了在频域法冲击载荷识别中,测量噪声对识别精度的影响;
- Shock loads and vibration also need to be considered. 冲击负荷和振动也需要考虑。
- Ductile iron shows exceptional resistance to shock loading. 球墨铸铁具有特别的抗冲撞装卸的性能。
- An anvil is impacted by the bullet from an air gun and hence a certain, initial velocity is obtained.Then the vibration isolator absorbs the shock load of the anvil's inertia. 通过气体炮发射的炮弹撞击砧块,使之获得一定的初速度,再利用砧块的惯性对隔振器施加冲击载荷。
- A Two-dimensional nonlinear biodynamic model of human head/neck system was established in order to predict the parachutist's cerival muscles injury prior to the impact of "opening shock" of parachute. 本文建立了人体头颈部的二维非线性生物动力学模型以预测伞兵在开 伞动载下伞兵头颈部软组织的损伤程度响应。
- The productive practice shows that the productive operation, equipment maintenance and operation cost are badly influenced by the shock load caused by fecal sewage quality. 生产实践表明,由粪便水造成的水质冲击负荷对生产运行不利,导致设备维护率提高、运行成本增加。
- The dynamic thermal stresses responses analysis model problems of metal-ceramic functionally graded materials (FGMs) under thermal shock load are studied. 研究了梯度材料在承受热冲击载荷作用时的动态热应力响应分析模型问题。
- Bearing arrangements which are to be subjected to considerable shock loads. 要承受相当大冲击负荷的轴承配置。
- These include contamination, corrosion, high frequency load and movement cycles and shock loads. 这些因素包括污染、腐蚀、高频率负荷和运动周期以及冲击负荷。
- Main Applications: Various equipment for hoisting, derricking, lifting, towing, port load and unload, blast furnace hoisting and oil well drilling.The rope with wire core can be used under the shock load, heated and squeezed conditions. 主要用途:各种起重、提升和牵引设备、港口装卸、高炉卷扬、石油钻井、金属芯绳适用于冲击负荷,受热和受挤压条件下。
- Main Appplications: Various eqmuipment for derricking, lifting and drawing; the rope with wire core can be used under the shock load, heated and squeezed conditions such as electric shares. 主要用途:各种起重、提升和牵引设备:金属绳芯适用于负荷、受热和受挤压条件下,例如:电铲。
- "Direction of load indeterminate" represents variable external loads, shock loads, vibrations and unbalance loads in high-speed machines. “不定向负荷”表示高速机器中变动的外在负荷、冲击负荷、振动及不平衡负荷。
- EMGEAR EP oils are suitable for heavily loaded industrial gear sets and for gears that are subject to shock loading. EMGEAR EP适用于重负荷及高冲击负荷操作下的工业齿轮组。
- When the influent concentration of O-Nitroaniline increases to 15 mg/L, the removal of O-Nitroaniline and COD decrease respectively by 11% and 4%. It showed strong adaptability of anaerobic baffled reactor against shock load. 当进水邻硝基苯胺浓度提高到15mg/L时;邻硝基苯胺和COD的去除率仅分别降低11%25和4%25;表明厌氧折流板反应器对冲击负荷的适应能力较强.
- Main Applications:Various equipment for derricking ,lifting and drawing;the rope with wire core can be used under the shock load,heated and squeezed conditions such as electric shares. 主要用途:各种起重、提升和牵引设备:金属绳芯适用于负荷、受热和受挤条件下,例如:电铲
- Main Appplications:Various eqmuipment for derricking, lifting and drawing;the rope with wire core can be used under the shock load,heated and squeezed conditions such as electric shares. 主要用途:各种起重、提升和牵引设备:金属绳芯适用于负荷、受热和受挤压条件下,例如:电铲