- opening between rolls 辊距
- He left the field open between Tom and David. 他对汤姆和大卫之间的争执不加干涉。
- A friendly intercourse has been opened between the two countries. 两国已开始了亲密的往来。
- What is the relation between Roll() and the number of sides on the die? Roll()和骰子上的面数之间的关系是什么?
- The opening between the two rows of trees afforded a vista of the lake. 从两行树木间的通道露出那湖的远景。
- The opening between the jaws of a vise or other holding or gripping tool. 钳口钳子或其它起固定或夹紧作用工具的钳口之间的空间
- A rift opened between Lloyd George and Poincare. 劳合·乔治与彭加勒的分歧公开了。
- He squirmed around and looked out through the opening between the shells. 他也动来动去,从上下壳间的开口向外望。
- Install top layer (Pre-fabricated black rubber shred roll sheet) in one direction. Gaps between roll sheets can allow material expansion. 同一方向铺设表层(黑橡胶粒预制板)。板间为材料的胀缩留下缝隙。
- The results showed that results of theoretical simulation calculation of pressure between rolls basically corresponded to that by three-dimensional photoelasticity stress test... 结果表明;理论模拟计算的辊间压力与三维光弹性应力实验分析结果基本吻合;平均相对误差<8%25。
- It must have slipped through the tiny opening between the showcase and the window. 这一定是从那只陈列柜和窗户之间的小缝里滚掉了。
- Armstrong and Aldrin moved through the small opening between the two spacecraft. 阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林穿过两个航天器之间的狭小通道。
- The name tricuspid refers to the three flaps of tissue that guard the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle. 三尖瓣这个名称与守卫着右心房和右心室开口的三块片状瓣膜有关。
- A communication will be opened between the two places. 两地间的交通即将开通。
- Surgical creation of an opening between the jejunum and the anterior abdominal wall,will allow artificial feeding. 在空肠和前腹膜之间割出一个小口的手术,用来人工进食。
- From an opening between the trees he could overlook all the lower country for many of rich woodland. 从树隙中,他可以俯视连绵数英里的整片密密的树林。
- Arch: Curved structure that spans the opening between two piers or columns and supports loads from above. 拱:曲线形结构建筑,跨越两个石墩或圆柱之间的信道,可支撑来自上方的负载。
- From an opening between the trees he could overlook all the lower country for many of rich woodland . 把林地上獐鹿数量减少到可以允许的水平标准在英国林业委员会小册子已有介绍。
- They walked beside a fence massed with honeysuckle and Cherokee roses and came to a gate swinging open between two brick pillars. 他们沿着一道蔓满了忍冬和野白玫瑰的篱笆走着,来到一扇敝开的大门前面,两侧是砖砌的门柱。
- In the gaps that open between what we once were taught, and what we now believe, grows a rich crop of guilt. 过去所受的教育和今天的认识之间有很大差距,由此也生出各种内疚感。