- open loop bandwidth 开环带宽
- This control may be closed loop or open loop. 控制可以是闭环的也可以是开环的。
- The PCM will operate in two different modes: Open Loop and Closed Loop. PCM将在两种不同的模式中工作:开路回路和闭路回路。
- The method of designing the loop filter with the phase margin and loop bandwidth is displayed. 并提出了从环路带宽和相位余量出发设计环路滤波器的方法。
- The implementation includes both direction and open loop speed control. 执行既包括方向和开环速度控制。
- But for the classic PLL, both the loop bandwidth and damping factor vary with the multiplication factor.Also the two parameters are dependent of the PVT corners. 对于经典锁相环,环路带宽及输出时钟的性能和分频系数M的影响很大,而工艺以及工作环境也会影响环路的工作状态,要想在所有工作频率段和所有的工艺角下都能够获得很稳定的时钟输出非常困难。
- Due to the conventional integer-N frequency synthesizers suffer from fundamental tradeoffs among frequency step size, loop bandwidth, phase noise, and reference spurs. 由于常见的整数型频率合成器有几个取舍问题,例如频率解析度对于迴路频宽、相位杂讯和参考信号突波的取舍。
- It is a full symmetrically, current feedback amplifier followed by a diamond buffer that runs open loop. 这是一个完全对称,电流反馈放大器之后,钻石缓冲开环运行。
- Design criteria for such signal source are derived, upon which one can choose the PLL loop bandwidth by trade-off considerations, to get a relatively low BER, simultaneously obtain low spurious output and fast frequency hopping as well. 为了减小相噪对系统性能的影响,导出了此类信号源的设计判据,据此可基于折衷考虑选取环路带宽,以便同时获得较低的误码率,以及低的寄生输出和较快的频率跳变速度。
- I also added R29, again to reduce open loop gain and to make the amp more linear open loop. 我也补充说:r29,再次以减少开环增益,并作出安培更多的线性开环。
- The tuning problem was solved by maximizing the phase margin of the Nyquist curve of the open loop transfer function. 该方法通过使系统开环传递函数的相角裕度最大化,来求取各个PID参数。
- Finally, experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of anti-windup PI control and the closeness of the control loop bandwidth as verified by dynamic signal analyzer. 最后由实验结果验证反捲起设计之有效性,以及控制迴路频宽之设计值与动态讯号分析仪量测值非常相近。
- By using the synchronized sampling scheme, the output voltage feedback contains no ripple components and we can improve the voltage loop bandwidth compared with the conventional approaches. 当输出电压回授不再含有双倍频电压涟波时,将可提高电压迴路的频宽而不致造成电流失真。
- In comparison, a typical 3-stage power amp / opamp has an open loop frequency response of <10hz. yes, just 10 HZ. 与此相比,一个典型的3阶段的功放/运放有一个开环频率响应的“ 10hz 。是的,只有10赫兹。
- Finally, we present the design procedure of the dual-band bandpass filter and the diplexer by open loop ring resonator. 本论文所提出的使用步阶式阻抗共振器之平面式微带线双频带通滤波器与双工器之研制。
- Logically associated process data from the open loop control can be displayed jointly in one screen and changed individually, if required. 来自于开环控制的逻辑相关过程数据可以一起显示在一个屏幕上,并且根据需要可以进行单独修改。
- By analysis of speed control system o f hydraulic explosion-proof hoist a nd simulative study shows that the result of closed loop control is bett er than open loop control. 对液压防爆提升机的速度控制系统进行了分析和仿真研究,仿真结果表明闭环控制优于开环控制。
- Geometrically, an open loop is one in which the forming yarns do not cross at the bottom of the loop. In a closed loop, yarn crossing takes place. 按几何形状分类时,如果形成线圈的纱线不在线圈的底部交叉,则称为开口线圈;如果在底部发生纱线的交叉,则称为闭口线圈。
- Circuit parameters show a: 81db open loop gain, 82 degree phase margin, 123db CMRR, and power consumption around 6.2mW from 1.5V supply voltage. 电路参数为:81db的开环增益、87度的相位裕度、123db共模抑制比;以及在1.;5V电源电压下产生了约6