- Fully open the open village affairs and village affairs in Hamamatsu Gary Coull village on a pilot basis in eight administrative villages in the full open. 村务公开全面推开村务公开是在顾家浜村试点基础上,在8个行政村全面推开的。
- open village affairs 村务公开
- This kept the budding writer informed about village affairs, and was his earliest source of literary inspiration. 郭雪波的文学才能也许就是从他的父辈那里得到薰陶的。
- These are supposedly democratically elected but party regulations still give unelected party chiefs the final say over village affairs. 这些村委会被认为是民主选举出来的,但按照中共章程,依然不选举对村事务最终拍板的党委书记。
- Respect for elders Ji Nuo , every village has a "Zhuoba" (Walled father), "Zhuo Sheng" (Walled mother) the management of village affairs. 基诺族尊敬长老,每个村寨都有一个“卓巴”(寨父),一个“卓生”(寨母)管理村社事务。
- Publicizing village affairs has increased the rights of villagers to exercise democratic management of and democratic supervision over villagers affairs. 村务公开,扩大了村民民主管理、民主监督村内事务的权利。
- We should expand democracy at the grass-roots level in rural areas,promote the self-administration of villagers and ensure that village affairs are made known to villagers. 扩大农村基层民主,推进村民自治,实行村务公开。
- Their love affair is an open secret. 他们的风流韵事是公开的秘密。
- Make Village Affairs Known to the Public Indeed 村务公开:让村务真正得以公开
- handicaps of village affairs transparency 村民自治
- After election,should any cadre handle village affairs in an unfair way,seek personal gains and privileges by abusing his power,or even violate laws and disciplines,the villagers could depose him through democratic procedures. 如果少数村干部当选后办事不公、以权谋私、违法乱纪,村民可以通过民主程序,将其罢免。
- After election, should any cadre handle village affairs in an unfair way, seek personal gains and privileges by abusing his power, or even violate laws and disciplines, the villagers could depose him through democratic procedures. 如果少数村干部当选后办事不公、以权谋私、违法乱纪,村民可以通过民主程序,将其罢免。
- "The Village Affair Supervising Committee" “村民监督委员会”
- Village Affair Supervising Committee 村务监督委员会
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营。
- Thank you. How long will this offer be open? 谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长?
- Open the shutter and see what the weather is like. 打开百叶窗,看看外面的天气如何。
- The fresh air blew in from the open window. 新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。