- open location routing problem 开放式定位-运输路线问题
- Multi-obiective location routing problem (MLRP) 多目标定位-运输路线安排问题
- A two-phase heuristic approach to the location routing problem 定位-运输路线安排问题的两阶段启发式算法
- location routing problem 定位路线问题
- location routing problem(LAP) 选址-分配问题
- A tabu search algorithm for the capacitated open vehicle routing problem is proposed. 提出了一种用于求解带装载能力约束的开放式车辆路径问题的禁忌搜索算法。
- location routing problems (LRP) 定位--运输路线安排问题(LRP)
- Location routing are tough NP problems, and the quadtree principle was introduced to divide the collection areas, turning them into minor TSP problems. 选址路径问题为NP困难问题,采用了四叉树原理划分满足车辆容量限制的收集区,将问题化为小型的TSP问题。
- Vehicle Routing Problem, or VRP, is a very important sub problem inborn in many distribution systems. 车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem,VRP)是物流运输研究领域内一个非常重要的问题。
- This problem is regarded as the Vehicle Routing Problem with Soft Time Windows (VRPSTW). 此类问题被称为软时窗汽车路线问题(Vehicle Routing Problemwith Soft Time Windows)。
- On the basis of describing the vehicle routing problem briefly,a new improved tabu search algorithm is presented. 摘要 简要回顾了车辆路径问题的禁忌搜索算法的发展现状,提出了一种改进的禁忌搜索算法。
- Both the BGA routing problem and the PCB routing problem are solved based on repeated mincost max-flow computations. 针对球闸阵列封装以及印刷电路板,我们提出一个应用重复计算最小成本、最大流量的演算法来解决绕线问题。
- Then an instance of vehicle routing problem (VRP) is put forward and solved to confirm their validity. 通过对蚁群算法的改进和调整,构造出最大-最小蚁群算法,实例验证该算法能更快地收敛到全局最优解。
- This algorithm is of important meaning to solve the routing problem in content-based publish/subscribe system. 算法对解决基于内容的发布订阅系统中相关的路由问题具有重要的作用和意义。
- The illustration result shows that model and algorithm are effective for multi depots vehicle routing problem. 实例求解结果表明模型及算法的有效性。
- Open Vehicle Routing Problem(OVRP) 开放式车辆路径问题
- It includes VFP(vehicle filled problem) and VRP(vehicle routing problem), that interact mutually and restrict each other. 单车型非满载问题通常包括物品装车(VFP)和车辆路径安排(VRP)2个紧密相关的子问题。
- Vehicle Routing problem(VRP)model is constituted for single distribution center on the base of actual request,which meet basic limit condition. 同时,论述了节约算法的基本原理并采用改进的节约算法对配载车辆调度问题进行求解,即在基本的节约算法中加入时间窗约束条件。
- In order to get the global solution in multi-depots vehicle routing problem (VRP), VRP model based on detail order information was established. 摘要为使多集散点车辆路径问题结果全局最优,以订单为基准建立货运车辆路径问题模型。
- The model was firstly converted into a crisp multi-depot vehicle routing problem, and then it was solved by a predator search algorithm with FLOYD. 为了求解上述模型,首先将模型进行清晰化处理,使之转化为一类确定性多设施车辆路径模型,然后设计了嵌入FLOYD算法的捕食搜索算法对之进行求解。